Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Somewhere over the rainbow...

I am heading to the most God forsaken place on earth -- no, not Iowa -- Kansas. What the heck was I thinking??? Just kidding. I don't think I am going to explain anything more about that-- after all, I doubt any of you really care.

Lately, I have spent a lot of time relaxing and eating. (I gained 7 whole pounds this Christmas and I am freakin' lovin' it). The best part about this year is that I have survived yet another year.... Several times it looked doubtful but I made it...

Now for the deep stuff...

I have really grown this year. It hasn't been easy and most of it hasn't been fun but I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing -- not that I could have if I wanted too. Crap happens!! It is what you do despite everything that goes wrong that determines success.

THANK GOODNESS FINALS ARE OVER.. I am sorry to all those who tried to call me. I have been dazed and recuperating and haven't had the heart to talk.

I love you guys, truly I do, and hope y'all have a happy new year.


Monday, November 27, 2006

Peace that passes all understanding

I wouldn't trade this peace for anything or anyone.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

His grace is sufficient...

AKA - the turning point.

Thank God, I am constantly becoming better.He is so
faithful. One never knows how far down the wrong path we have traveled
until we try to turn around and go back.

"Who I Am Hates Who I've Been"

Relient K

I watched the proverbial sunrise
Coming up over the Pacific and
You might think I'm losing my mind,
But I will shy away from the specifics...

'cause I don't want you to know where I am
'cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been.

This is no place to try and live my life.

Stop right there. That's exactly where I lost it.
See that line. Well I never should have crossed it.
Stop right there. Well I never should have said
That it's the very moment that
I wish that I could take back.


I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.

I talk to absolutely no one.
Couldn't keep to myself enough.
And the things bottled inside have finally begun
To create so much pressure that I'll soon blow up.

I heard the reverberating footsteps
Synching up to the beating of my heart,

And I was positive that unless I got myself together,
I would watch me fall apart.

And I can't let that happen again
'cause then you'll see my heart
In the saddest state it's ever been.
This is no place to try and live my life.

[Pre-Chorus x2]


Who I am hates who I've been
And who I am will take the second chance you gave me.
Who I am hates who I've been
'cause who I've been only ever made me...

So sorry for the person I became.
So sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.


-Sanctus Real

Well I heard you say you would love for a lifetime
And now you complain a lifetime just doesn̢۪t feel right for you
Another casualty of casual love
Another soul out of place, a heart that gave up

Why do we break the promises we make?
Are we living for ourselves?

Don't give up on love and throw it all away
Don't give up on love and let it fall away
When did it become so easy to run from your pain?
Don't give up on love and throw it all away

I heard you say you can't change a stubborn heart
I can relate 'cause that's how I feel when I talk with you

Why should it take losing everything
To realize it might be time to change?

Don't give up on love and throw it all away
Don't give up on love and let it fall away
When did it become so easy to run from your pain?
Don't give up on love and throw it all away

Your restless heart won't win 'cause you take but you don't give
And you'll keep moving on until you learn what love is

Things Like You

-Sanctus Real

Loving things like you has wrecked my life, made me cry
Loving things like you has made me lose my mind
And I can't figure out why I've been hanging on

To all these things I've tried to leave behind me for so long

And I think it's time to find a better way to live my life
Than loving all those thingsthat keep me wrapped so tight

Everyone wants everyone else's eveything
Some time's the more we have the less we really gain
I'm tired of life and all that money has to buy
Get out of my heart, out of my mind, leaving you behind

Loving things like you has left me bruised, black and blue
Loving things like you has made me so confused
And I can't figure out what I've been waiting on
God I can't be living for things I know are wrong

Now I think it's time to write a better chapter in my life
Leaving all those things that keep me wrapped so tight

Why are we obsessed with possessions here on earth?
Go and take a look at the flowers and the birds
God is always taking care of nature's every need
And how much more important in The Father's eyes are we?
I said, how much more important in The Father's eyes are we?
He sees everything

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Malibu Barbie

Cell phone column for my special section:

It has been brought to my attention that a person can be addicted to just about anything. From sports to pornography, an addiction is a habit so strong that it can not easily be given up.
I would dare say you can even be addicted to cell phones. I recently went on a cell phone “fast” just to prove my assertion. I determined that I would fast from all non-essential calls except for my parents, of course. I didn’t go into withdrawal or shaky hands syndrome but I did have a strong and intense urge to talk to my friends
Last month I was two minutes shy of talking 3000 minutes on my cell phone plan not to mention the text messages and time logged on my land line at home. That is a little over two solid days spent on the phone; yes, there might be a problem here.
This summer I encountered extreme cell phone addiction up close and personal when my place of employment hired Malibu Barbie.
Don’t get me wrong, I love this girl to pieces and we had a lot of fun this summer, but how she could lifeguard a pool of people and talk to her friends about the lack of malls in the area is beyond me. Not to mention how exceedingly hazardous the situation was to the swimmers.
The cell phone never left her ear unless it was on the charger. She had over 140 numbers programmed into her phone, and I am pretty sure she called each one of them at least once a week.
Never before, in all the years I worked there, did we have a problem like this. My boss would tell every one to leave their cell phones at home as plainly as he could, and an hour later I would hear her off in the corner chatting with a friend.
“So like do you think I look, like, better in pink or blue?” or “Justin Timberlake did what?” (Excerpts overheard from a real phone conversation by Malibu Barbie)
Because of her lack of consideration everyone had to “make up” for her. I was constantly redoing or doing her job just so I would know it was done right.
I would never say cell phones are a waste of time; a cell phone is a wonderful device. I honestly feel naked without mine, but it does have its place.
I like the feeling of security I have knowing that help is only a phone call away. This makes my decision to carry one that much easier. But when it becomes an addiction to the point that you can’t even function in the real world, then it’s time to lay it down and move on.
In parting, I will leave you with these words- you can’t live life to the fullest if you contract brain cancer.
Who says an addiction can’t kill you?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


My moto has always been -people are going to fail you so expect it, but I never expected to be so taken in. One of my best and worst attributes is the fact that I forgive so easily, and now- once again, it bit me in the butt. I guess somewhere I made the fatal decision that several people were trustworthy. Boy, was I wrong.

Now, I am just kind of reeling; not sure how to react/respond. How could I not see it coming? I have always been a fair judge of character. Stupidity reigns supreme.

Besides the fact that I am now questioning myself, I am starting to question others. If I was so easily deceived by these people who is to say that unknown to me someone else isn't pulling a fast one on me.

I suppose it is just going to take some time. I need to lick my wounds and move on.


Monday, November 6, 2006

Will this day ever end...

I feel like one of those punching dolls that you beat the crap out of and yet they always re-erect themselves - meanwhile wearing a taunting grin. Though currently, I am only grinning to keep from bawling.

I am constantly wondering exactly how I can one up the last "Abigailism". Well wonder no more- I did. In fact, as near as I can figure, the only thing that could over-power the last situation would be -- A gay guy turning straight for me.

I have had some doozys; I am not even going to lie. Everything from stickering old drunk guys to being kissed by a vampire. And yet each one - worse than the last.

I would write a book about all of this but first off nobody would believe it and second it wouldn't make any sense. I suppose that has me amusing my friends with my little stories but unfortunatly that leaves me wide open for mockery. I think there are MANY details of my life that are better left unsaid.

Amuse yourselves. Ya'll are not laughing over the last couple of "crazy Abigailism's" at my expense. Asking will get you no where. Thank goodness Thanksgiving break is almost here -- I NEED a break. I am going to chock up some previous mistakes to lack of sleep and sanity.(Though I am not sure how true that is) .

I am going to bed.


Thursday, November 2, 2006

No Vacancy

Seriously, has the world gone mad??? All of the sudden, I feel like I am being surrounded by well-meaning aquaintances trying to hook me up with someone. When did I get the tatoo that reads "Vacant" or "Lookin for love". I am perfectly fine continuing on my cynical single route -never quite finding "Mr. Right". I had at least 3 people today try to set me up with their best friends uncle's son.

Look people, I am in a weakened state. I am freakin' sick and can't be accountable for my actions (today, I couldn't even remember where I parked). I have this wierd feeling that I am randomly going to get a call from Joe or Bob asking me out. Then what in the heck am I going to do. FOR GOSH SAKES- my speech teacher tried to hook me up with someone. What's worse is - I think she is going to.

I have recently come to the conclusion that maybe I am just not marriage material, and in that decision - I decided maybe I don't want to be married. Heck, I am not ruling it out. I am just putting little to no emphasis on it.

On that note, I think I am going to go to bed. I just re-read all of this and I decided that I will probably be way more sane in the morning. (And hopefully not so easily "set-up").


-cynical single

Monday, October 30, 2006


Okay, so today has been kinda a bummer. First I woke up with a sore throat and a nagging cough. And second, all the power went off at the journalism lab. We are literally sitting on pins and needles- waiting for it to be repaired. Seeing as my job- my livelihood (No, I will not get off this soapbox) is at stake. It is making for an interesting day.

On the other hand, I am perfectly peaceful about all this and even quite happy. I didn't want to work on pages today and I even made the remark that I would rather chew my own hand off than build page 9. So all in all - today was an absolutely MARVELOUS day..

So instead of actually doing what I was supposed to be doing, researching my next article for the paper (which is over a subject not brought up in polite conversation -leastways not by this chick), I spent most of the afternoon doing what Abigail does best. Which I am technically unsure as to what that might be but let me say - I did it well.

On a sidebar, I am absolutely hoarse from screaming at the top of my lungs because some idiot thought it would be fun to pin me down and tickle me. So if I loose my voice completely, you are welcome to laugh. Enjoy the moment because truly it is rare. In fact, I have only had laryngytis once in my lifetime and I was told the whole world seemed like a quieter place.


the freakishly-tall, bible-beating brunette

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Finally - a break...

It truly has been an amazing week. I won't go into detail but believe me -AMAZING.. Of course, in Abigail language that means lots of freaky, unexplainable, things that make me smile happened. Thank goodness for that. I have been needing the freaky; )

I refuse to be the kind of person that counts down the days until this semster is over. Of course, I have to admit it is taking everything in me not to. Being one of "those" kind of people would be beneath me though.

In other news, I had my driving critiqued the other day. This lady stopped me in the parking lot and brazenly told me that whatever moron gave me my driver's license should take it back. I just flashed her a smile and nodded my head (heck, it is probably true any ways because I couldn't remember even seeing her car on the road). I guess she didn't much appreciate me smiling because she gave me this utterly vicious glare and then peeled out of the parking lot.

For those of you who know me well, I thought I would inform you that my "Devil May Care" day has come and gone. It was a much milder bout than usual but still quite lethal. Needless to say, it ended with my mom prying a shot gun out of my hands (that darn cat). But not to fear because as those who know me know - It only happens about once a year.

Yes, I do ramble... But in my defense it has been - one of those days...


Sunday, October 8, 2006

The plot thickens.

Just when I started to think things had evened out - not gotten better, just evened out- they took a turn for the worse. haha It never ceases to amaze me how stupid people can be including myself. Just when I think I have hit an all-time-low I manage to top everything I have ever done before. Thank the Lord there is grace.

I would write more but I jacked this off my friend's site and it sums up everything perfectly.


i've not completely let go, though it may seem like it, at the end of the day i am faced with the same feelings. i asked myself a million times, "why".. why it is so difficult to let go and sail to a new boat? im stuck in a port somewhere that's unfamiliar. then again, is the circumstance causing my delayed departure, or is it me choosing to stay? sometimes i feel so confident that i know the answers, but at times i feel as though im back feeling like a helpless child, wandering off a dark alley.

my judgement has betrayed me. i keep seeking truth in every moment, and in every situation, but only to know that the truth i once so believed in, no longer exist. a place that once was so green has now been emptied into a barren waste land.

i only want to feel unconditional, but every moment is opportunity for condition to set it. it is but a labyrinth of confusion, piled up to one another. a sinking ship in the middle of a calm sea. a desperate sos that has never reached its desitination. a driftwood continuing to float in this painful existance.

i need to sail away and find a new territory, maybe then can i find that truth which i seek. then again maybe the answers are right infront of me all along, only i refuse to see it. at this point, i really do not know... they say that "one not need to touch the fire to know that they will get burned"........ but maybe i do need to touch the fire to know that it burns.

is it being unintelligent or be it a brush of faith? again, i do not know.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


I wish our distance would disappear

You got to know

That I want you

And I need you here

I think of you when Im alone

I think of you when Im afraid

I think of you everyday

I think of you when Im awake

I think of you when Im with her

I think of you everyday

-The Chemistry

Help me, help you

They won't be there

Help me, help you

They won't see

It hurts when you need me

And I can't break your fall

And it hurts when you can't see

And it hurts

And it hurts when you're lonely

And I'm standing right beside you there

And it hurts when you told me

That you'll try this on your own

-Thousand Foot Krutch

Sunday, August 6, 2006


I think that some people have decided that I have changed, which in all reality might be true. But I feel that I am still the same girl that likes to take long walks in the dark barefoot staring up at the moon, and engage in all sorts of hickish activities. I will always crave East Texas and all it represents. It is my comfort zone, and the place I feel happiest. Sure, one day I will move and start a life elsewhere, but I will always return. And that dreamy, stupid, utmost happy look on my face will always be present when I do.

Today, I helped my dad rake hay. Glamorous job - let me tell you. I honestly look like a Mexican, I am so dark right now. Unfortunately, the tan lines are less than to be desired but at least it is not a farmer's tan.

I really don't have much more to say right now. I will write more later.


Quotes of the Day:

Okay for some reason, I am in a Elizabeth Peters - I am really tall- what the heck- mood. So bear with me.

"This Time It Wasn't My Fault.
On several previous occasions I have found myself up to my neck in trouble (and that's pretty high up, because I am almost 6 feet tall), which might have been avoided if I had displayed a little ladylike discretion. This time, however, I was innocent of everything except stupidity. They say some people attract trouble, I attract people who attract trouble."

"A man can't understand why a women's handbag is such a sensitive object- almost an extension of her person. I don't fully understand it myself. Maybe it's because we keep so many private intimate possessions in our purses- love letters, cosmetics, jelly doughnuts... Maybe a purse is a symbol of the womb, or something equally Freudian. I can't explain it, but I know I hate the idea of a stranger's hands rummaging in my bag."

"What women in her right mind would want to be six feet tall? How can you look coyly up at a man from under your lashes when your eyes are the same level, or higher? How can you find skirts long enough to cover your knees? Put a pitchfork in my hand, and I look like a farmer; put a spear in my hand and I look like and undernourished Valkyrie. I'd much rather be cute and cuddly like Gerda- well maybe not quite that cuddly.

-Elizabeth Peters

Sunday, July 2, 2006

The Glass Box

urrently, I feel like I am living in a glass box. I can see the destruction of the world around me, I am right in the middle of it, and yet it can't touch me. I am in boot camp. God has me in an intense season. I am learning what it means to be in the world and not of it. Any one-eyed crazy person can sit there and have the perfect relationship with God if they live in a bubble and never venture out into the real world. And any insane person can go overboard and be to worldly. I have to learn to walk the line. Right now God has me working on boundries. What is to far? When should I draw the line? He is taking me through some things that I know that I am supposed to learn a lesson from - and never return to. I am safe right now while He is instructing me. If I were to do some of the things he has me doing, later- I would no longer be in the protection of the glass box.

Hold On
Written by Shawn McDonald and Chris Stevens

Another day gone by
And again I ask myself why
I question my sanity
Why I believe what I believe
Some might think that I am crazy
For believing in something I cannot see
So won't You now
Hold on to me, hold on
Hold on to me, yeah
Please don't let me go no, no, hold on
'Cause I am prone to wonder
Prone to leave this faith I know
Hold on
And now they say that the wise man
Well, he fears the Lord
And this fear, well, it's the beginning of all wisdom
And I must be a fool
'Cause I sure don't seem to fear You
'Cause the very things that You will me to do
Well, I just don't seem to get around to
The very things that You hate
Are the very things that I always stumble into
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
'Cause I am prone to leave this faith I know
Prone to leave this God I love
Won't You hold on
Won't You hold on to me


Does the pain ever truly go away? Will I ever be able to dig out of the pit I have so conveniently placed myself in? Will saying I'm sorry ever "just" be good enough? Must I always pay for every mistake?

This is me - not trying

So I think this is going to be my last week at MN. And what a week it will be!! No time for breathing, sleeping or thinking. On the 4th of July, I will be trying to attend 3 parades ( I say try because I am going to have to leave like a bat out of hades just to get to that last one). It is going to be a VERY long-long-long day. I am in charge of those 3 parades so it is my job to make sure NOTHING goes wrong. I will let you know how it goes; )

I really don't have much more to say other than keep me in your prayers and I can't wait to see my Texas people!!!

PS: Yes my title means something to me. No, I will not explain.

Quotes of the Day

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

- Voltaire

Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing.

-Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Unable to change

I feel like the majority of my life is spent, taking two steps forward and one step back. I get somewhere and then I just end up failing and going back to where I was. I can't win. I can't get ahead. I am severely frustrated.

And yet I know, I am headed toward a breakthrough. Part of me wants to be dependent solely on Him while another part of me wants it my way. I know which way I will be happier. So I need to crucify my flesh and lay it down. I will get out of this- victory in hand. MY FUTURE HAPPINESS DEPENDS ON IT!


When last place is where I’ve been
It’s hard to find the strength to start again
Sometimes it seems like I can never win

I’m held back by the weight of a crowd
Can’t move to find my way out
You give me faith to get my feet off the ground
‘Cause it’s not easy...

Trying to fly against the wind
When I keep on falling back to where I’ve been
Start over again

I’m overwhelmed when there’s too much
Hiding the view to all that you’ve done
I step back to see how far we’ve come
And you’re always with me (when I’m)

Trying to fly against the wind
But I keep on falling back to where I’ve been
Trying to fly against the wind
Start over again

When last place is where I’ve been
You give me what I need to start again

Trying to fly against the wind
But I keep on falling back to where I’ve been
Trying to fly against the wind
And you keep on coming back for me again...over and over again

Won't Walk Away
You never walked away,
You never left or let me down.
You always set me free,
"Because" You love me I was found

"no so here"I won't walk away, away.
And I will follow
You wherever You lead.
I won't walk away.
I will follow
You wherever You lead.
I won't walk away.

You always lead me on
To where You know I need to be.
Forever I will trust in
Where Your wings will carry me.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Choose Me

Last night it hit me- or God revealed to me- that I was having issues with men. I learned the hard way when I was 14, that everyone would fail me eventually and that it was human nature. The people I trusted the most will and have let me down. I hang out with more guys than girls but typically I have a harder time trusting guys

Last night, for some reason my thoughts drifted back to things that have happened in the past couple of years. And I felt this overwhelming sense of " They didn't choose me." Several key people in my life (mainly men), walked out on me rather than fight for me.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Drenched Rat

Sunday started out like any normal day. I didn't want to get out of bed. My hair required more attention then I wanted or had time to give it. I had this insane last minute urge to paint my toes. I nearly forgot to put on deodorant. Normal huh!!Unfortunately, the day turned ______(words fail me so you decide).

I picked up Diana and we headed to the office to load the truck. (We had two parades that day. Including one that was called the Cheese Festival Parade.) While loading the truck, the alarm went off in the building. Diana had propped open the door and so this siren was going off and a voice was saying, "Door compromised. Siren will go off until it is shut." That is exactly the voice I want to hear at freakin' 9:30 on a Sunday morning.

McDonalds hash browns and 15 mins later, I was on my way to our first parade. I don't mind long trips if I can listen to music but unfortunately Diana and I don't have the same taste in music. So it was a loooong ride.

We got to the first parade site. It was freezing and starting to rain. Talk about awful. We walked in that parade with few hitches and moved on to the next one. That is when it started pouring. For half of the parade, it was raining on us. Not to mention the fact that we had the usual weirdo's and freaks. One guy asked me to put a tattoo on his butt. Wouldn't have been so bad except he was hideous. Then there was one guy who was sitting there scowling at me, giving me the thumbs down and shaking his head. Of course, me being the person that I am I flashed him a big smile and shook my head yes. I do think it aggravated him more, but oh well. The locals really and truly crack me up.

The second we finished the parade, the sun came out. How is that for my kind of luck.... I can't take anymore icky guys... No matter, how much I ask for it!!( Okay, so I wear cute skirts and try to look nice. Does that give them a right??????).

I don't think I can go through one day without making someone mad. Maybe I do need to have a career in politics. I can see it now Congresswoman Abigail______. Yep, that officially sounds awful.

First thing is first though, I have to cut back on saying the word "like". I will never get far with a vocabulary consisting of that word. Leticia got me started on it and it has been a doozy to get rid of. John says it is a lousy excuse for the word umm.

Just because I feel like putting this down- there is no way to look cute and mow at the same time. I have tried every way. Not that I am trying to impress anyone but it would be nice if I didn't look like I was clodding around.

While I am on random subjects, I guess I have been a little anti-social lately. I found out exactly how many messages my voice mail holds. The worse part of not answering your phone and having all those messages is that eventually you have to check them and sometimes you even have to call them back. Luckily that mood never lasts long.


Quotes of the day:
He is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death.


Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882),

Thursday, June 8, 2006

The Fight is On

I am so weary. I haven't given in an inch but I haven't gained any ground either. I have been harassed and weakened. My strong foundation which has held for 6 months is now starting to feel the flames. Little things are slipping in between the cracks and causing rifts. Fear is slowly creeping in.... What if????

As tired as I am, there is still a spark of life in me. I am emotionally strained and yet there is that part of me that won't give in. I can't give in, I can't admit defeat. Is it God?? Or am I just being stubborn?? I am not fighting against God - just my circumstances. I am in a Godless place and I have the choice of either removing myself or staying and fighting. I know the truth. I have been tested and tried and I know the high path.

When it comes down to it - it is just God, me and the harassers. And yet, it doesn't have to be that way. They have to flee....

by Shane Barnard

It haunts me so
This gloomy weight
That comes and goes
Without a trace
A thousand times my flesh embrace
A thousand more but if for grace

To see the Lord, the promise land
Where in sins pearly gates look bland
And what was once a pearl now sand
That blows away in light of Him

When battle lines become unclear
And the waging war is all I hear
Sustain me with Your voice
And the choice to walk in truth
And by the Spirit

That I might see this day
This waging war might go away
And be no more
That I might see His face
And hear Him say
Son, welcome home
The war is over

“But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ…” (Phil 3:7-8)
Help Lord!

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Morristown Dam Days

I am going to write this fast because I have to run. So some of it might not even make sense, and it is probably not going to be as accurately amusing as it was last night but maybe you will get the picture.

Okay, you asked for it!!! In all its gory details...... The Parade last night was life-changing. haha I think I will start first with what I wore as that seemed to cause a couple of pained looks from the seasoned professional parade goers. I wore my candidate's T-shirt (good so far), flip flops (one of my co-workers bet me that I will never wear flip flops to another parade. I live in flip flops so there is a 99% chance I will wear flip flops to EVERY parade. I am bound and determined to wear them until my feet rot off) , and a blue-jean skirt (which is longer than most of my shorts. Granted because I am so freakin tall it seems short but it is about 4 inches from my knees. So VERY modest for me.) At the end of the day I decided that while there are disadvantages to wearing a skirt there is a lot of advantages tooo ; )

Before the parade started, we went around tattooing and stickering kids with the congressman's name. I only got cussed out once. Apparently this man didn't like our President or me and he was very willing to get up in my face and tell me about it. I just flashed him the most obnoxious smile and moved on.

I have never seen so many dirty children in all my life and I use to work in a Christian Camp. (I figured that statement deserved a paragraph all in itself.)

During the parade, I was paired with a three year old and told to pass out recipe cards. I have decided that child has to be my permanent partner from now on. I made this adorable child hand out cards to all the crusty old women that wouldn't have normally taken it from me. I know, I know, that has to be child abuse but he was just so dadgum good.

Okay, so MN is very sold out on the Miss America Wave except it looks awful. All the girls do it exactly the same, and it is hideous. It looks like they are treading water. They even warp these children from the age of 3.

After we went through the parade route we finished watching all the rest of the entries. One of the groups were handing out suicide awareness pamphlet. It kind of struck me as STRANGE. Parades are supposed to be happy events then they damper it with that!!!

Anybody with a tractor can and was in this parade. There is only about a 1000 people that live in the town we went to and about 200 entries.

I think everyone should participate in a MN parade. It truly was extremely amusing. I can't wait till the Kolachy days. They have a parade in honor of a pastry filled with cream cheese. Gotta love it!!

Quote of the Day:

"That is the saving grace of humor, if you fail no one is laughing at you."

A. Whitney Brown

Friday, June 2, 2006

And then the dawn breaks

I have made up my mind - it is over. All it takes is an "uncle" from me and then the peace can come. I refuse to let myself be stubborn another moment. I can only excuse stupidity for so long.

In no particular order:

1. I will stay away from harmful influnces
2. I will stay in the Word
3. I will keep pure
4. I will do the next thing He says
5. I will be like the woman in the Bible harrasing the Judge. (I will storm the gates until I find Him)

rocks won't cry
by shane barnard

i bow down, tonight i know
the rocks won't cry, the rocks won't cry
they'll be alright, they'll be alright
because i cry!

I know what I have to do in order to be happy. Will I stumble again? Sure. Am I going to get back on the horse? Yes.

I have made up my mind, and as God and this xanga are my witness - I will come out of this.

by Shane Barnard and Robbie Seay

He will allure her
He will pursue her
And call her out
To wilderness with flowers in His hand
She is responding
Beat up and hurting
Deserving death
But offerings of life are found instead

She will sing
She will sing
Oh, to You
She will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead her away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

Here in the valley
Walk close beside me
Don’t look back
For love is growing vineyards up ahead
You have called me master
And though you’re in the dark here
Call me friend
And call me lover and marry me for good

She will sing
She will sing
Oh, to You
She will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead her away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

How the story ends is
Love and tenderness in Him
Not safe, but worth it
So the valley’s up ahead
Or the ones we live
We’ll sing together
We’ll sing together

We will sing
We will sing
Oh, to You
We will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead us away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

“Lord, sustain me in the valley. Give me ears to hear Your sweet tender voice and lead me in to acres of hope in this dry and weary land.”
"Therefore I am now going to allure her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her. There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor a door of hope. There she will sing as in the days of her youth, as in the day she came up out of Egypt. ‘In that day,’ declares the LORD,’you will call me 'my husband'; you will no longer call me 'my master. (Hosea 2:14-16)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Break or be Broken

Last night I had an extremely weird expierence. After getting off the phone with a friend, I tried to go to sleep, but I was really upset (for no apparent reason). As I closed my eyes to sleep, (what can only be described as-) my mind's eye saw this thick, dense green forest. It was waves upon waves of green. Not knowing what else to do, I started crying out to God and I noticed that at the bottom of this forest, waves of white started creeping in. The more I cried out the more white came through. If I stopped though the green started overtaking it again. I kept on crying out until there was just a hint of green at the top. Then it vanished

After that I was able to go to sleep.

Right now I know I am at the Break or Be Broken stage. All my life, I have been able to con my way out of things. Not this time. God has my number and He isn't going to let me get off this time. There is no way out, and time is short.

I am not alright- but I will be.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Not Happening

Well, this week marks the beginning of Parade Season. I am soon to be involved in some where near 30 parades. I am actually looking forward to it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my 4 1/2 day weekend. I have been busy all weekend but it has been the good kind of busy.

I am still in no mood to write. The only solid thing I can say is - I am alive and breathing. And God still holds the world in the palm of his hands. Am I messing up? Probably so. Do I mean to? No. Is it going to be alright? Eventually, yes. I know this because- I will always choose Him. I am a marked woman. I couldn't escape if I tried. haha. And goodness knows, I would be stupid to try.


by Sanctus Real

When last place is where I’ve been
It’s hard to find the strength to start again
Sometimes it seems like I can never win

I’m held back by the weight of a crowd
Can’t move to find my way out
You give me faith to get my feet off the ground
‘Cause it’s not easy...

Trying to fly against the wind
When I keep on falling back to where I’ve been
Start over again

I’m overwhelmed when there’s too much
Hiding the view to all that you’ve done
I step back to see how far we’ve come
And you’re always with me (when I’m)

Trying to fly against the wind
But I keep on falling back to where I’ve been
Trying to fly against the wind
Start over again

When last place is where I’ve been
You give me what I need to start again

Trying to fly against the wind
But I keep on falling back to where I’ve been
Trying to fly against the wind
And you keep on coming back for me again...over and over again

Quotes of the day:

"This Time It Wasn't My Fault.
On several previous occasions I have found myself up to my neck in trouble (and that's pretty high up, because I am almost 6 feet tall), which might have been avoided if I had displayed a little ladylike discretion. This time, however, I was innocent of everything except stupidity. They say some people attract trouble, I attract people who attract trouble."

"A man can't understand why a women's handbag is such a sensitive object- almost an extension of her person. I don't fully understand it myself. Maybe it's because we keep so many private intimate possessions in our purses- love letters, cosmetics, jelly doughnuts... Maybe a purse is a symbol of the womb, or something equally Freudian. I can't explain it, but I know I hate the idea of a stranger's hands rummaging in my bag."

-Elizabeth Peters

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Instead of giving you the long drawn out stories of what happened this week, I am just going to give you the moral's I learned from what happened.

1. I can't name my child, Grant, because it will remind Diana of Fric and Frac which in turn reminds her of a homeless person peeing in the loby.
2. I shouldn't be left home alone when I am unstable and have half a tank of gas. Logic fails me - believe me. Why would anyone in their right mind head for IOWA.
3. I should get away from strange guys before they ask me to flex my muscles.
4. Being too efficient at work, only hurts me.
5. I shouldn't attempt cooking durning a rainstorm.
6. Avoid dog piles at all cost.
7. Wearing heels is only sexy if you are vertical.
8. You can't win a fight against an army brat.
9. I learned, I actually respect Marcus' judgement of character - and that scares me.
10. You should never let anyone tell a New York Jew your nickname, Miss Thang. Because he will try to say it in his "Southern Accent".
11. Turning your picture into a cartoon - is just wrong.
12. Just shoot me if I ever go 2 days with no sleep again.
13. Mowing in a strapless bra is not a good idea.

I Am Not Alright

If weakness is a wound
That no one wants to speak of
Then “cool” is just how far we have to fall
I am not immune
I only want to be loved
But I feel safe behind the firewall
Can I lose my need to impress?
If you want the truth, I need to confess

I’m not alright
I’m broken inside, broken inside
And all I go through
It leads me to you, it leads me to you

Burn away the pride
Bring me to my weakness
Until everything I hide behind is gone
And when I’m open wide
With nothing left to cling to
Only you are there to lead me on
Cause honestly, I’m not that strong

I’m not alright
I’m broken inside, broken inside
And all I go through
It leads me to you, it leads me to you

And I move, and I move, and I move...closer to you
And I move, and I move, and I move...closer to you
And I move, and I move, and I move...closer to you
And I move, and I move, and I move...

I’m not alright
I’m broken inside, broken inside
broken inside, broken inside
And all I go through
Leads me to you, leads me to you

I’m not alright, I’m not alright, I’m not alright...that’s why I need you

-Sanctus Real

Quotes of the Day:

"Ordinarily he was insane, but he had lucid moments when he was merely stupid."
-Heinrich Heine

"The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you."
-Rita Mae Brown


Easter. The single most important day of all history. Sure His birth is important but the day He died......... And Arose....

And He is still raising the dead today......

I spent the last 2 1/2 weeks in Detroit, Texas. Good times. The last week though was a little stressful to say the least. My dad ended up in the hospital and nearly died twice. If my mom hadn't been tuned in to God - I would no longer have a dad. In fact, my dad had an out-of-body experience. Thank you Jesus for my daddy!!!

Despite all this "excitement", I had a wonderful visit. I will probably write more about it later, but I have to unpack.

-Ms. Texas

My Beliefs

I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man

I believe that He who suffered was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and on the third day, rose again
He ascended into Heaven where He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning
To judge the quick and the dead of the sons of men

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man


I went fishin

I cut my hair. (sniff, sniff, I AM getting used to it though. Unfortunately, this new cut requires me actually having to fix it -rather than the rolling out of bed, snagging my fingers through the snarls, and then walking out the door -I wouldn't even know what a brush looks like)

I celebrated my mom and brothers birthday by forking over the cash.(When I say celebrated that is to the best of my ability considering the circumstances-hospital/dad)

I visited Jan Kay (sort of). I went there all right, but I didn't spend a whole lot of time there.

I ate buttermilk chicken and fish. My mom made her famous buttermilk chicken and believe me -I pigged out. yum.

Drove fast on gravel roads with my stick-shift. ( Oh gosh, I missed driving my car. Though during my stay, I was informed that my driving was scary by two different people. Not to name any names or anything but.....JAY- I am a good driver. hmph)

Lone Pine. I got to go to my church even though it was cut short by my dad passing out. I missed Lone Pine so much, and unfortunately, the sermon was for me. (Note to self: don't talk about having had a stinky attitude the week before on the way to church. Not smart.)

Plant a garden in my bikini. (I had forgotten how much it hurts - planting a garden that is - from ant bites to back aches)

See Chuck and Cass.


The Farm

The house (after 16in. of snow)

My MN family -me, John and Vicky

I want to see miracles, see the world change
Wrestled the angel, for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me


PS: This is a random question, but am I befuddled? I will explain why I asked if I have to but an honest answer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

Several woman have played key roles in my life and I feel the need to acknowledge them. So here it goes:

MOM: My mother has always been there for me. When I was young I was afraid I would turn out just like her, but now I am afraid I won't. I will never be exactly like her because we have different personalities, but I hope that I can be half the woman she is. Being a mom can be a thankless job but I just want her to know - I see what you do and I thank you for it.

NANA: I have to think most people don't have relationships with their grandmothers like I do. Having lived with my great -grandmother for a couple of years, I learned the value of their advice. It is so nice to know that when I need to talk to someone at 5 a.m. in the morning that my grandmother can be their for me. Her advice is always right on even if I don't always like it. haha I guess, I want her to know- Thanks for being there for me. It means a lot.

GRAMMIE: My dad's mom is about the most giving person I know. She would do anything for me. She always makes sure I have everything I need from money to an Easter dress. She truly is wonderful to me.

VICKY: Six months ago, I barely knew this woman. Now I can't hardly imagine life without her. She took me under her wing, and has totally changed the way she lives just for me. She is the intelligent, hysterical, witty, and amazing.

On another note, I was told this week by Lindsey (a guy that comes into the office), that I have mastered all it takes to be a woman - which means I have learned how to let the man think it was his idea when in reality it was

Sunday, May 7, 2006

Writer's Block

So lately, I have not been able to write. Seeing as writing is one of the greatest stress reducers in my life that is a recipe for disaster. For some reason it is unbelievable calming just to sit and write. It doesn't have to be about my problems - just words strung together into sentences (that hopefully make sense). Needless to say, I was extremely thankful when it came back. Not completely mind you, but it is getting better.

Last week, I went to the “corrupt” city of DC. It was truly amazing, but I am extremely glad to be back – in my room, sleeping in my comfortable bed, with my daily routine. Not to mention the fact that I missed work (the job and the people) and my computer. I did, however, get to meet my congressman, Ralph Hall. I really wanted to meet Baeuner though.

I am really excited about this summer. It should be awesome. It will be extremely hectic and full but that is the way I like it. There will be 8 parades on the 4th of July and I will have to attend at least 2 of them if not 3. Talk about patriotism.

Washington Pics:

Korean Monument

Getting ready for the First Ladies Luncheon

Vicky and Nana at the First Ladies Luncheon

Vicky and me

Quotes of the day:

"I said to him that Zululand sounded fine, but that every man has a map in his heart of his own country and that the heart will never allow you to forget this map."

-Alexander McCall Smith The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency.

"What women in her right mind would want to be six feet tall? How can you look coyly up at a man from under your lashes when your eyes are the same level, or higher? How can you find skirts long enough to cover your knees? Put a pitchfork in my hand, and I look like a farmer; put a spear in my hand and I look like and undernourished Valkyrie. I'd much rather be cute and cuddly like Gerda- well maybe not quite that cuddly.

-Elizabeth Peters Trojan Gold

Friday, April 28, 2006

To do List

I wanna go fishin

Need to get my hair cut

Celebrate my Bro's and Mom's BD

Visit Jan Kay

Eat Buttermilk Fried Chicken and Fish

Drive fast on gravel roads w/ my stick shift.

Lone Pine

Plant a garden in my bikini

And of course see Chuck and Cass

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I'm Coming Home

I'M COMING HOME!!!!!!!!! Detroit, Texas here I come. I am going to be home for 2 1/2 weeks starting next Wednesday. Due to circumstances beyond my control and the need for my summer clothes ( I am spending the summer up here), I will be coming home.


Hey Porter

Hey, Porter, Hey Porter!
Would you tell me the time?
How much longer will it be
'Til we cross that Mason Dixon Line?
At daylight will you tell that engineer to slow it down;
Or better still, just stop the train
'Cause I want to look around.

Hey, Porter! Hey Porter!
What time did you say?
How much longer will it be
'Till I can see the light of day?
When we hit Dixie will you tell that engineer to ring his bell;
And ask everybody that ain't asleep to stand right up and yell.

Hey, Porter! Hey Porter!
It's getting light outside.
This old train is puffin' smoke and I have to strain my eyes.
But ask that engineer if he will blow his whistle please,
'Cause I smell frost on cotton leaves,
And I smell that Southern breeze.

Hey, Porter! Hey, Porter!
Please get my bags for me,
I need nobody to tell me now that we're in Tennessee.
Go tell that engineer to make that lonesome whistle scream.
We're not so far from home so take it easy on the steam.

Hey Porter! Hey Porter!
Please open up my door.
When they stop this train I'm gonna get off first
'Cause I can't wait no more.
Tell that engineer I say, "Thanks a lot. I didn't mind the fare.
I'm gonna set my feet on Southern soil
And breathe that Southern air."



I’ve seen enough to say I know

That this old world is not my home

From lustful eyes and tainted lies

Pride to hide the way that I

The way that I feel inside

I am ready to go home

I’m packing my bags and hitting the road

I am ready to go home

I’m packing my bags and hitting the road

I am packing my bags and I’m hitting the road

Yes, I’m going to run, I’m gonna run for my home

To stand in the sight of the Living God

That’ where I am longing to be


See ya!

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Do you think hes maybe compensating for something? - Shrek

Okay, so I am compensating for something. So sue me. I, Abigail, not only made my site look cutesy and girly but almost childish too. What can I say, I like rabbits and Easter is coming. Every now and then, I feel the need to be girly. I can't always be the sweaty, dirty, workaholic type.

IT IS FINISHED - My quilt is done. La la la di da. I am sooo happy. It is v-e-r-y purple Of course, now the question is what Little-Old-Lady-Hobby will I try next to fill my "spare time." Maybe I should try knitting. That would be different. Any suggestions?

FORGET GETTING ANY BEAUTY SLEEP- I just found out from Leticia (she was wearing a malicious grin and was snickering) that I will be attending the Minnesota National Prayer Breakfast. That means I have to be out the door by 6:30. And I have to actually look nice tooo. I haven't had to wake up that early since last year. The breakfast starts at 7 and goes for 1/12 hrs. I think it will be fun, but haven't these people ever heard of Brunch. I might fall asleep in my eggs.

ORPHAN - My family left me yesterday to go to an event. I made sure to ask them what time they would return so I wouldn't get caught dancin in my undies.

BPOU - My Saturdays are going to be filled with BPOU's (Basic Political Operating Unit). Ooooooo gooody. So that is what I will be doing for the next couple of weekends.Yeee Haw -as Howard Dean would say.



Apparently polka is the funniest thing ever. I have decided that before I die, I am going to try it.
Ice Cream and Cheetos ( not necessarily together) are great comfort food.
My computer had a worm.
I am getting Poochy - and liking it.
There are parents naming their children Leif
I am so happy because Chicken Little got voted off.


After all - What says embarrassingly fun like Polka?


m&m -irreconcilable differences have now been solved


Find ecstasy in life; the mere sense of living is joy enough.
Author: Emily Dickinson


My baby sis is going to be 12 tomorrow. Gosh they grow up fast!! Luv ya girl.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Come Higher

Come Higher

Everything you see- you can have

Come Higher

It is all within your grasp

Come Higher

Fame and Fortune

Come Higher

The choice is yours

Come Higher

Just don't be deceived

Come Higher

Know exactly what you are getting yourself into

Come Higher

When I say you can have it all - I mean ALL

Come Higher

Divorce, Bankruptcy, No Peace, Torment, Despair,

Come Higher

Life is full of choices

Come Higher

You can chose everything and wind up with a mediocre life at best

Come Higher

Or you can surrender, come higher, and find life

This weekend my grandmother came into town. We went to the Mall of America.

I love the Mall of America. It would been a lot better if a certain shopping friend of mine had been there to insert her opinion. But considering how much I love what I got, if she had told me it was the ugliest thing on earth, I would have laughed at her and bought it any ways. I don't like the immense size of the Mall of America but I do like it's convenience. It has all my favorite stores and more.

Then I manned a table at the BPOU convention. That is an interesting experience. I wouldn't say boring because the people alone amuse me. I used the word squirrelly to describe a couple of them. It fit.

Then we spent the rest of the weekend at the farm. It is so relaxing there. I sleep so well there. And no, it is not just because of the cell phone calls I receive at night ( there is no cell phone service at the farm), I actually sleep better after I have gotten in my word quota in for the day.

Recap: Things I have Learned Since I Came Up Here:

1. Never stand in front of a 3 year old
2. Lobster tail is good
3. Snow can be the best thing ever and the worst
4. The difference between a Democrat haircut and a Republican.
5. The "unusual" haunts me- There is no escaping it.
6. When the temperature gets below 0 There really is no difference between -10 and -20. And in the negatives my nose freezes shut.
7. Pedicures are awesome
8. My - I am not going to take any crap days- are fun to play out.
9. I have a great "support system" - If I need them they are there for me.
10. I learned to not depend so much on my "support system". It makes them mean all that much more to me.
11. 50 degrees is a heat wave and everyone goes around in short sleeved shirts.
12. I am not fond of Asparagus ( to me it taste like grass- yes I chewed on some blades of grass when I was little. Hasn't everyone? I also ate an ant. Does that make me a freak?) or Onion soup.
13. Minnesotans are scared of " Texas Values". They don't want to become like those heathen Texans.
14. Socks are wonderful
15. I can unzip my dress by myself.


I want it all
by shane barnard

use me, break me, waste me on You, Lord
ruin me, take me, waste me on You
for to die is to live...

to starve is to feast
and less of me is more of Jesus
Lord, i want it all
Lord, i want it all
if i lose my life
i gain everything
and at the cross
away with all death's sting
Lord, i want it all
Lord, i want it all

there is power in the blood
there is victory in Jesus
come in power, wash me clean
overwhelm me with Your presence
there is power in the blood
there is victory in Jesus
help me glory in the cross
help me find my gain in loss

(philippians 1:21-23; 3:7-11)
Quote of the Day:
I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.

Mother Teresa (1910 - 1997)

Deut 19-20

Friday, April 14, 2006


The Kick-off

(aka "The Night of the Butt")

Well, I have been meaning to write what has been going on, but you will have to excuse me if I am to busy living my life to actually take the time to write about it. j/k. But it has been crazy. I think I have officially started every single post with - it has been crazy, I don't have time, or I have gone off the deep end and become insane.

Saturday- I lazed around.End of story? No. Saturday we celebrated Vicky's birthday by going out to eat. Yum. Then we went to Target and I bought "Walk the Line". I love that movie.

Sunday- Went to the early service again. It really puts a cramp in my style to wake up that early on a weekend, but I like the nap after words. That afternoon we played bridge. Okay, so I know that it is customary to think only "old" people play bridge, but that would be where you are extremely wrong. It is an awesome game! My partner was John. If you had told me I would be "letting" a congressman down, in a game of bridge, six months ago I would have thought you lost your everlivin mind. In all reality, I didn't let him down, and we actually would have won except I had to leave because the weather was starting to get bad and I had to go to Leticia's.

Sunday Evening - I spent the night in Shockapee at Leticia's house. We had a "brilliant plan" (sarcasm dripping). I was to spend the night and make sure her kids get off to school because she had to get a morning Kick Off event ( Monday was the day to kick off Kline for Congress's Campaign. We had two events -a breakfast for big donors and a night time rally for supper) and had to leave early. That was the plan but......

Monday Morning - I was abruptly woken by Leticia. Apparently it snowed 12 inches the night before, and the schools where closed. Nice huh. So I spent the morning babysitting. I was caught in a small blizzard with two young boys, two cats, and a dog (and a partridge and a pear tree). Why did I not see it coming? I really am too naive for my own good. haha. Honestly though, It wasn't bad and I do love those kids. Just unexpected.

Monday Evening- THE KICK OFF. Not much to say about it other than I do have pics. I did learn a valuable lesson though. I learned not to block a 3 yr old's path. I tried to keep him from getting out of this little area, and he tried to bite my butt. No snide comments. Believe me, I have heard them all.

I know this is a really boring post but ya'll can just get over it. It lacks my usually quirkiness.

FYI: This weekend, my amazing grandmother will be coming to visit and I will be going to the farm on Saturday and Sunday. It is going to be extremely hectic, but I am soooo excited. I need a good dose of some Texan.

Also, I was told today of a rumor that is being spread that I love Minnesota, and I am never coming home. That is pretty ridiculous. Well, it is true that I love Minnesota, but it can never compete with my Lone Star State. Up here, they don't call me Miss Texas for nothing. Besides the 12 inches of snow was about to do me in. I had to drive today while there was still snow on the roads. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE. Awesome!!! Slipping and sliding -completely and utterly nerve racking.


Monday, April 10, 2006


Today for the first time in 2 months, I walked around outside without a coat. In fact, I even had skin exposed. The temperature was 58, the sun was out, and I was very happy. After all those ugly days, it is amazing as to how much I wanted to dance and twirl around in the parking lot. I know it was childish, but I don't care (pouty lips).

I went to see Failure to Launch. Loved it!!! I did notice a pattern though. Everyone in the cast had brilliant blue eyes. Hmmmmm. I guess us poor green eyed people (with eyes that don't pop) are out of luck. We are not special. -No surprise there.

I would like to mention that it is harder than it seems - staying here that is. Everything in me screams for my comfort zone- the normal, the people I love, and the familiar. BUT.... I can't and won't give in until I have gotten everything out of this expierence that I was supposed to.

"You have dwelt long enough at this mountain. Turn and take your journey, and go......See, I have set the land before you; go in and possess the land which the LORD swore to your fathers." Deut. 1:6-8

God was telling the Isrealites, "Shove off. Get out of your comfort zone." He was encouraging them to go forward, but also to prepare for the fight. Every wonderful thing they got after this point had to be "possessed." Living life in my comfort zone will never help me to reach the "Promised Land." If I truly want to be happy and have peace, I am going to -every now and then (lol)- do something I that makes me uncomfortable, that puts me on the spot, and completely drives me into His arms. I will come home but not until I am "released."

by Shane Barnard and Robbie Seay

He will allure her
He will pursue her
And call her out
To wilderness with flowers in His hand
She is responding
Beat up and hurting
Deserving death
But offerings of life are found instead

She will sing
She will sing
Oh, to You
She will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead her away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

Here in the valley
Walk close beside me
Don’t look back
For love is growing vineyards up ahead
You have called me master
And though you’re in the dark here
Call me friend
And call me lover and marry me for good

She will sing
She will sing
Oh, to You
She will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead her away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

How the story ends is
Love and tenderness in Him
Not safe, but worth it
So the valley’s up ahead
Or the ones we live
We’ll sing together
We’ll sing together

We will sing
We will sing
Oh, to You
We will sing as in the days of youth
As You lead us away
To valleys low
To acres of hope
Acres of hope

I guess, I wrote this post to convince myself. A long time ago, I decided that I wasn't going to go against God. Having been on both sides of the fence, I know to much. The other is death, and I won't go there again. I have skirted around the whole God thing at different points in my life, but never for too long. I will conquer this new territory!!

I will come home. Hopefully, a stronger person or at least bigger (pound wise hahaha). I think of all of you often, love ya'll and am praying for ya'll.


Friday, April 7, 2006

Caucus Night

I went to a Dairy Queen today. BIG DIFFERENCE. Hello, there are NO steak finger baskets or salads for that matter. What the heck!! I remember that there was less food and more Ice Cream, but how can these people survive with only hamburgers?

Today was Vicky's birthday....

In other news:

We are starting a softball team and they are drafting me. That means I might be staying here for the summer. Not sure yet, but... It ought to be interesting/hysterical. My only regret is that there will be people there to witness me "playing ball". If this happens, I will be coming home for at least a week. But like I said- this is still a huge MAYBE. So don't get tooo excited -either way.

Things I learned today:

After several nasty days (weather wise) , your eyes start to glaze over. It truly is a terrible feeling.
Ice Cream can help fix that.
Being 5'11" and wearing heels is actually a good thing. McGyver couldn't find as many uses for stilettos as I did today.
It is really easy to freak people out... All I have to do is remain silent.(Luckily for them -it is a rare thing)
Getting a thank you card in the mail for the job you do is truly wonderful.
I am 44% mean and I am 80% normal (but I have to ask you- by who's standards)
I don't like Minnesota DQ's.
I shouldn't take Internet polls that Marcus gives me.
I -by Internet poll standards -am one of the nicest people in the office.
My mom is awesome!!!

Okay, so today was the start of Minnesota's political process -Caucus night. Which basically is a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than sit around and talk on a Tuesday night, and propose amendments to the Republican platform. I went into this thing completely convinced that I was going to be bored out of my mind. But...... I actually enjoyed it. Granted it had its moments, but it was kinda exciting. Shocking, Huh? I know!!!! I was surprised that Abigail kinda enjoys politics and they don't completely go over her head. Then again, I always was a "geek."

Here is some info for anyone who cares what the heck I am talking about. Consider yourself "educated."

Definition of Caucus

A caucus is most generally defined as being a meeting of supporters or members of a political party or movement. The exact definition varies between different countries.

In the United States, a caucus is a meeting of local members of a political party or subgroup to nominate candidates, plan policy, etc., in the Congress of the United States or other similar representative organs of government.

In early United States History, the Congressional nominating caucus and legislative caucus were influential meetings of congressmen to decide the party's nominiee for President and legislative policy. Similar caucuses were held by the parties at state level.

History of Caucus

The origin of the word "caucus" is debated, although it is generally agreed that it came into use in English in the United States. According to some sources, it comes from the Algonquin word for "counsel," cau´-cau-as´u, and was probably introduced into American political usage through the Democratic Party machine in New York known as Tammany Hall, which liked to use Native American terms. Other sources claim that it derived from Medieval Latin caucus, meaning "drinking vessel", and link it to the Boston Club. In the Finnish language, there is also a word, kokous, meaning an official meeting. The existence of this word in the Finnish language supports the theory that it has European origins. It is also known that many Finns moved to the United States, more specifically to the East Coast and the areas surrounding the Great Lakes.

Random Pics:

This is a pic of my wheels (aka the parade vehicle) Yes it is dirty but when the temperatures dip below freezing they shut off the car washes. Besides- IT IS A TRUCK.

Yes, this seems like a random pic but the temperature outside is 20 below.We are traveling 70 miles an hour and that exhaust is billowing out. I am wearing my fuzzy gloves.


Quote of the day:
Crime does not pay ... as well as politics.
Alfred Newman

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.
Ernest Benn

Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
Eugene McCarthy

Num. 34-35

Thursday, April 6, 2006


This weekend was not exactly the easiest time for me. Friday night we had a staff party and I got to meet the DC staff. I liked them all. I don't know what it is about the staff parties that make me homesick, but it never fails to happen.

Saturday, I spent the day cleaning up after the party and cleaning my room. Oooooohhh, clean sheets never felt so good! Okay, so I admit, I did take a nap too. Cut me some slack- the day before was hard on me. I also watched Dirty Dancing and worked on my projects.

Saturday night and Sunday morning, I barely slept at all. I think I got 3 hrs sleep before I had to wake up at 6:15 to go to the "early service." But I am not bitter -No, not me.

Sunday, -No I am not planning on giving up anything for Lent. After all, what would I give up? Chocolate? Hamburgers? I still need to gain weight. I have gained 5 pounds since I have been here. It is survival of the fittest, and I will be darned if I am going to let a little grease stand between me being fit. Besides eating, the only other thing "worth" giving up would be my cell phone. And right now, not sure that would be such a hot idea( though I am pretty sure my mom would disagree after that last phone bill). After all, it might be the only thing keeping me from contracting a twitch.

Sunday Afternoon, I took a nap (Yes, I did. So what of it?) then I went to Diana's to play bridge. It was a fun game but my goodness the insults were flying particularly in my direction. Apparently it is a "better with enhancement" kinda game (translation: better with wine -lots and lots of wine).

Sunday Night, My mom called me and told me my baby had died. Lil Black Thang was run over. Everyone has that one special animal that they love more than any other pet in there life. She was mine.

I am "recovering" from the weekend events. I will be my normal "Abigailish" self, but probably not today. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I honestly think I can feel them at certain times.


Quote of the Day:

Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.
-Mark Twain

Num 32-33

Monday, April 3, 2006


Okay, I feel in all honesty- I should confess the reason behind my last post. Even though I know the great and mighty Abigail will be ridiculed, mocked and laughed at, I am pretty sure she is in need of a good dose of humility right now and what better way than a confession.

So here it goes- I, Abigail, fake baked!!! Gee, I thought by saying that I would feel better, but no my red neck is still burnt. Last summer, because I lifeguard, I was extremely dark with a "lifeguard tan." And even though I am still rather tan, for personal reasons, I decided I wanted to enhance it. I absolutely burned on my neck because I never got a tan there last summer. Dang those lifeguard tans!!!

So laugh all you want, I know that I am constantly bashing fake baking. I am a firm believer in getting it the natural way- slipping into a cute bikini and traipsing out into great outdoors. But I don't see myself going outside in the 40 degree weather in my any of my wonderful little bikinis. There is nothing like pulling weeds, burning brush, building foundations, mowing, or just sitting out and reading a good book and getting a tan.

Here are a couple of pics:

Here is the blanket I am making. It is already bigger.

Here is my quilt. Ain't it pretty!

Here is my desk. Yes, it is messy, but I have since cleaned it.

This is the mailing we did for the Campaign Kick Off. We sent over 1000 letter. That was a fun 2 days.

This is Leticia on her birthday.

My toes. I realize you can't see the flowers but they are there.

The moral of this story is - I should not be left by myself, alone for 10 days. There are more pictures but I think I will go easy on you guys today. Enjoy. Laugh. I know ya'll will. Tonight is a busy night so I have to run, Luv ya


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Rio and her son Harley were out for a swim on a nice warm January Minnesota day when the accident occurred. Harley was swimming and started to freak out, jumped out of the pool, and hit his head on the cement.
The Minnesota zoo mourns the loss of this 7-month old baby dolphin.
Isn’t that sad!! How horrible. He was sooooo cute too.
Since coming here I have made some life-changing decisions, I think for the better. I now know more about myself, and my wants and needs for this lifetime. The main one I learned is---I absolutely hate French Onion Soup. That little bit of knowledge has totally changed my life forever. I will never touch the stuff again. It was okay the first couple of spoonfuls but then it started my stomach churning and I couldn’t handle it. Uck…
On another note, I was going to tell ya’ll about some of the town names around here. There is one town called Apple Valley. I don’t know what it is about that name but I really like it. So crisp and neat! Minus the snow and the fact that it is up North, I don’t know who wouldn’t want to live in Apple Valley. There is another town called Shakopee sounded out as Shockapee. It was the Shakopee emergency room I spent those blessed hours in. Okay I think I have bored ya’ll enough on that subject.
I made Salmon Croquettes the other day and no one died. If you don’t die within 24 hours of my cooking, I am sad to say you will probably make it. The good news is eating my cooking, REALLY builds up the immune system. jk.. I am an awesome cook and I should be (I have been cooking since I was eight).
These Minnesotans have been telling me that this weather we have been experiencing is conducive to March. I don’t know about all, that seeing as it is still dipping into the teens at night. Of course, these are the same people that say 10 degrees is brisk and 20 below is cold.


Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm Back

Whew, What a weekend!!!! Okay, lets see if I can relay half of what happened.

Friday: I got a manicure and pedicure, and have decided that I am spoiled for life. I can't imagine going through life ever again without getting one at least every now and then. My toes are soooo cute. The lady put a flower on each of the big toes. I have never thought of my feet as being gorgeous though that has never stopped me from wearing flip-flops 24/7. But now even despite the scars (thanks Marcos), I love my feet!!!!

Friday Night: We went to a play/musical called My Green Eyes. That was interesting. I thought the person sitting next to me was going to kill me. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until it was too late that it wasn't a comedy. I never knew that you could use the word pesticide in music -How naive I am!!! Vicky and I had the cutest hair there. The place was full of "artsy" people and homeschoolers. I learned several life lessons from this experience such as - nothing ends a relationship quicker than "breaking up" in song ,and don't make eye contact with people that have more than 6 in. of hair protruding from their head.

Saturday Afternoon: I have been here less than 2 months and I have already been to my first funeral/memorial. Diana's mom died and we attended her funeral. The church and the service was beautiful. After the service, we went back to Diana's house for the wake. Sometime during the afternoon, Diana shoved this drink that looked like prune juice mixed with motor oil into our hands, and said it was her mothers favorite. The drink was called Glug and smelled like cinnamon raisin bread. If asked, I will tell you what is in it but.... WOW! Apparently, the ingredients were old and it tasted HORRIBLE!!! And worst of all at the bottom of the cup there were ----raisins.

Saturday Night: I babysat Leticia's kids while she and Paul went to a Marti Gra party and got "Lit up like a Christmas Tree". WILD TIMES... It was crazy but according to Leticia -Those kids love me. I have made up my mind about something... I WILL GET AN INSIDE HOUSE DOG!!! -AND I AM PRETTY SURE IT WILL BE A SHELTIE.. Not sure when, but it will happen in my lifetime.

Sunday: Went to the farm. Last week the farm got 13 inches of snow but there was hardly any left by the time we got there. (sniff, no snowman) It was a spur of the moment trip. My quilt is nearly finished - It is all pinned together now it just needs to be sewed. My croquet blanket is almost done too. I have been moving right along on my projects.

Today: PHONE BILL CAME... My momma was haaaapppy.... Fun times!!!

I have been sick this weekend -sinus. In fact, there was a couple of days that I can't be held accountable for anything I might has said cause I was - ALL DOPED UP. I don't remember half of the conversations I had during this time period, but I have been told I was FUN. So if I promised any of ya'll my first child - You can't have it!

To Whom it May Concern: (snicker) A majority of my time, at my job is spent looking up people's addresses. I KNOW HOW TO USE THE INTERNET!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence...

I have survived yet another month and wouldn't you know - The sun is coming out.

-Random Abigail

by Shane Barnard

Growin’ up I overheard
All the grown ups sayin’
You better be prayin’
And sayin’
All the right little things
At the right little times
And I had it down
At least on the outside
I’d put my best side forward
I could smile with the best
And dress like the rest
Of the messed up church folk singin’ a song

Are you sitting down
With all your sin and shame all stored up
Are you ready to live
For what the law could not do
God did

Could it be that morality
Got the best of you and me
Got us thinking
That we’re on the brink
Of a drink of the cup that’s all filled up
With the cross havin’ even a little to do with us
It was His day
It was His way
To the glory of His grace
Took our disease
Enough to please
The Father of lights
To bruise Jesus

Maybe do’s and don’ts
Were made to show
How much we do
And don’t ever make it

I feel that this is Self Explanatory.

Quote of the Day:

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
-Aldous Huxley

Num 16-17

Red Neck..

Okay, so I know the true meaning of being a red neck now. I refuse to comment on how I got this "revelation" but all you need to know is I earned it... This chick will never be anything better that a hick. And I am absolutely okay with that.

I have been on a self improvement binge lately. I have been eating lots of greasy food and gaining weight, getting manicures and pedicures, eating vitamins and fruit, and slathering on the lotion (the cold is doing strange things to my skin but wonderful things to my hair

I am sooo glad March is here. Supposedly, March is supposed to be the snowiest month. I NEED THE SNOW!!! What the heck, people have been promising me snow since I got up here.

The next couple of weeks are going to be absolutely crazy. I have something planned nearly everyday. My weekends are completely full up to the second.

You might be a Red Neck if:

Your state's got a new law that says when a couple
get divorced, they are still legally brother and sister.
If you can burp
and say your name at the same time,
you're shur'nuff a redneck.

Your front porch collapses
and four dogs git killed.

Sorry but I am all about "themes." Deal with it.

I just had to break up the "theme" it was driving me crazy. I can't help it. I am a red neck, but I am not evil. hahaha. I love you guys. Keep me in your prayers, ya'll are in mine.


Num. 20-21

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Morning will come

My mom sent me this article from the Detroit Paper. It made me laugh so here it is. 50 years of learnin taught -

Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night
If you had to identify in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved and will never achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings"
People who want to share their religious view with you almost never want you to share yours with them
You should not confuse your carrer with your life
Never lick a steak knife
The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
You will never find anybody who can give you a compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she is pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven
Thought for the day: men are fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it is up to woman to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
Friends could care less about seeing your surgical scar
The only thing that Saran Wrap clings to ..... is more Saran Wrap
You can have your face lifted, turned around, and shoved to the right..... but you will never look like Brittany Spears
Men get married so they don't have to hold thier stomachs in any longer.
Here's the answer to why married women are heavier than single women. Single women come home, see the fridge and got to bed. Married woman come home, see what is in the bed and go to the fridge.

Come Higher

Everything you see- you can have

Come Higher

It is all within your grasp

Come Higher

Fame and Fortune

Come Higher

The choice is yours

Come Higher

Just don't be deceived

Come Higher

Know exactly what you are getting yourself into

Come Higher

When I say you can have it all - I mean ALL

Come Higher

Divorce, Bankruptcy, No Peace, Torment, Despair,

Come Higher

Life is full of choices

Come Higher

You can chose everything and wind up with a mediocre life at best

Come Higher

Or you can surrender, come higher, and find life

I love this song (hurt) because when ever I feel down I realize that I don't have to live like the person in this song. I have everything inside of me to never go through any of that. IT IS NOT WORTH IT... We put ourselves in a dungeon then cry because it is dark. I refuse to live my life in a dungeon. Been there done that and I REFUSE to go back.


What have I become?

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know

Goes away in the end

And you could have it all - my empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

If I could start again

A million miles away

I would keep myself

I would find a way

Everytime I listen to that song, it reminds me of the world- Christians in general. I want to live my life to the full potential - being unhappy is not an option. Unworthy as I am, I press on for the prize. Pray for me... I love it up here, but.......


Monday, February 20, 2006

A tribute

February has always been a special month around my house. My Great-Grandmother's birthday is on the 22nd. This year is my first year without her, she would be turning 89. I will always consider myself lucky to have spent two wonderful years living with her. I am the person I am today because of her unfailing love.

Things I learned from Gra:

What unconditional love is
How to make pralines
That nothing is ever too glittery or gaudy
Purple is the best color
Life is not worth living if you don't have a pair of long earrings to match every outfit.
Holidays are to be celebrated extravagantly
Hugs are wonderful
Homemade gifts are the best
Watching old movies is a great pastime
There is no such thing as to many good smelling things in one house
Homemade popcorn beats microwave any day
Spanish Rice can save lives
Collecting things -Angels, Santa's, and anything shiny
A love for Roses
Never talk bad about your neighbor
A spray can of paint can beautify anything
Duct Tape - need I say more
Everyone should have a bird feeder
Bloom where your planted
Finding someone that truly understood me and stuck by me through thick and thin (and at that point in my life there was a heck of a lot of thin) is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Though I miss her I know she is in a better place. When I "grow" up, I want to be just like her. I still consider February 22, a national holiday. It will always be important to me.

Say Goodbye

So say goodbye 'cause you'll be leaving soon
I know it's hard, and I'll be missing you
I know it's time to say goodbye

I know the road, has worn You down
You never broke, you always held your ground
But now it's time to say goodbye

Say goodbye
Say goodbye

And though you're gone I remember now the time we shared,
Your words still ring out
You're never far, you're in my heart

Someday we'll meet again
'Cause that's how the story goes
It's so hard to say goodbye
Say goodbye
-Sanctus Real

I love ya'll much!!!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I love Harrison Ford


John Kline

Here is a picture of me with my favorite Congressman. Okay, so I look like I am 5. Note to self -wear more eyeliner and learn to stop trying to pose. This was at an event honoring Hurricane Katrina Victims.

Today we went to see the new Harrison Ford movie Firewall. Ooooohhhh honey!!! I love that man. He just gets better with age.

The cold is coming. Tomorrow it is supposed to in the single digits and late Thursday or Friday it is supposed to get below 0. I have so many things I have to do. Pray that this skinny butt survives the tundra.


Drive on a frozen lake
Build a snow man
Make a snow angel
Ice Fish
Snow Board??????

That is all I got.... There ain't no more. My love to you all-


Quote of the day:

"Man calls it addiction. God calls it sin."

-Shannan Howlett

Lev. 21-22 Matt. 21-22

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day, People

This has been a wonderful Valentines day.... Chocolate, cards, balloons, streamers, Naughty and Nice pranks, and sweet phone calls. Not to mention the hott date.... I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

This morning, I woke up and I had several valentines waiting on me downstairs. Thanks Kaitlyn, I promise- I will get fatter, and yes, Vicky is spoiling me rotten.Your the best!!!! I love you sis. And as for that Knot Head Brother of mine - I luv ya, boy. Thanks for your hancock.

Then after our weekly Tuesday 10 o'clock volunteer meeting, I went with Leticia to TP her husbands cubical. Talk about crazy... She is supposed to send me the pictures we took, along with the ones from Buck Hill to me soon. His secretary distracted him while we blew up balloons, put heart jewels all over his desk, threw red and white streamers everywhere and put his gift on his chair (Leticia bought him a cordless drill and some lingerie). He came back shocked and kept saying stuff like, "When did this happen" and when he opened the gift and saw the lingerie he said," I can't show ya'll this."

For lunch they took me out to eat at a restaurant called Old Chicago. It was delicious. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon -well, I'll be honest- doing absolutely nothing.

When I got home, I went to my room to change and noticed more Valentine Cards and a Big Red Balloon. Somebody loves me.....Big Surprise!!!! I am so blessed...


Doug and Shannan Howlett
Sherry Wright
Gene and Kitty Howlett
Kaitlyn Howlett
Samuel Howlett
John and Vicky
Leticia, Pauly, TJ, and Brady
Krista and the Wenzel Clan
There is not a web page in this world big enough for the rest of ya'll but I love ya'll just the same.

Quotes of the Day

"Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real"

-Iris Murdoch

"For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation."

-Rainer Maria Rilke

I just want everyone to know - I love ya'll. I am blessed to have surrounded myself with good people. Thank you all for your support. You will never know what it means to me. I can never express how much I truly love and appreciate all of you!!!!


Lev. 19-20 Mat. 19-20

Sunday, February 5, 2006


Just when I think I am done being stupid, It comes back to bite me in the butt. I really hesitate to tell you what happened this weekend, but because I know someone out there somewhere - needs a laugh. I will humiliate myself for that one person. I urge you to laugh with caution (I am sure there have been people that have died from laughing).
I spent last weekend ALONE. Well sort of, I mean I spent most of the weekend on the phone with Elizabeth, but there was no one with me at my house.
Friday night, I was settled comfortably on the couch watching a movie, in my jammies, talking to Elizabeth when I decided I wanted some popcorn. I threw a bag in the microwave, hit the"popcorn" button, and settled back on the couch. I noticed when it was done that it looked like it was only half popped. So me being the brilliant person that I am, I put it in for a couple more seconds. When I decided that yes indeed, It was absolutely done popping I took it out. At first I thought it was just a little bit burned but when I opened it and plumes of smoke came out. I realized something was wrong. The inside of the bag was actually on fire. Never having had this problem before, I wasn't sure what to do. Here I am on the phone with Elizabeth, the bag is on fire in my hands, and I am choking on smoke. I rushed it over to the sink and doused it with water. The bag was charcoal by the time it was all said and done. I pride myself on being a good cook, and all around this experience was humbling. The smell was horrible and it didn't go away until the later part of the weekend. The house looked like 7 chain smokers lived there. I couldn't hardly see. How embarrassing.
Sunday- I decided to make a trip to Target. Upon getting in the Truck, I decided I was needed to get it some gas. I pulled all the way up to the pump before realizing that I didn't know where the fuel door button was. I looked everywhere... Panicked I drove home and spent the next 30 mins. in the driveway looking at the instruction manual. Finally I gave up and got out to go inside when I noticed that the fuel door opens by itself. I felt soooo stupid. I mean I have made fun of people for less than that. It really chastised me. I mean, it is not going to stop me from making fun of people, but I will be more "understanding" from now on.. hehe I love you guys but ya'll make it too easy.

Random Facts:

1. There really is a guy named Damien Badboy
2. There is a guy named Manley Brahs
3. There is a family whose kids are named- Selah, Shelby, Sydney, Seth, Shanie, Sampson, Saul, and Simon. There parents are named Scott and Annette
4. It was 10 degrees outside most of the day.

Here are some Pics

Snow- the view from outside the sewing room window.

My room - look Ma -Its clean

Still clean!!!

View from the back porch

Me sewing

A preview of my Quilt

Me getting ready for a night on the town.

The farm- from the window of the room I slept in.


PS: There are a lot more pictures but I didn't want to scare you too much . hehe (there are some really scary ones)

Quote of the Day:

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former"
-Albert Einstein

Leviticus (yuck) 3-4 Matt. 4-5