Tuesday, May 16, 2006


Easter. The single most important day of all history. Sure His birth is important but the day He died......... And Arose....

And He is still raising the dead today......

I spent the last 2 1/2 weeks in Detroit, Texas. Good times. The last week though was a little stressful to say the least. My dad ended up in the hospital and nearly died twice. If my mom hadn't been tuned in to God - I would no longer have a dad. In fact, my dad had an out-of-body experience. Thank you Jesus for my daddy!!!

Despite all this "excitement", I had a wonderful visit. I will probably write more about it later, but I have to unpack.

-Ms. Texas

My Beliefs

I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man

I believe that He who suffered was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and on the third day, rose again
He ascended into Heaven where He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning
To judge the quick and the dead of the sons of men

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man


I went fishin

I cut my hair. (sniff, sniff, I AM getting used to it though. Unfortunately, this new cut requires me actually having to fix it -rather than the rolling out of bed, snagging my fingers through the snarls, and then walking out the door -I wouldn't even know what a brush looks like)

I celebrated my mom and brothers birthday by forking over the cash.(When I say celebrated that is to the best of my ability considering the circumstances-hospital/dad)

I visited Jan Kay (sort of). I went there all right, but I didn't spend a whole lot of time there.

I ate buttermilk chicken and fish. My mom made her famous buttermilk chicken and believe me -I pigged out. yum.

Drove fast on gravel roads with my stick-shift. ( Oh gosh, I missed driving my car. Though during my stay, I was informed that my driving was scary by two different people. Not to name any names or anything but.....JAY- I am a good driver. hmph)

Lone Pine. I got to go to my church even though it was cut short by my dad passing out. I missed Lone Pine so much, and unfortunately, the sermon was for me. (Note to self: don't talk about having had a stinky attitude the week before on the way to church. Not smart.)

Plant a garden in my bikini. (I had forgotten how much it hurts - planting a garden that is - from ant bites to back aches)

See Chuck and Cass.


The Farm

The house (after 16in. of snow)

My MN family -me, John and Vicky

I want to see miracles, see the world change
Wrestled the angel, for more than a name
For more than a feeling
For more than a cause
I'm singing Spirit take me up in arms with You
And You're raising the dead in me


PS: This is a random question, but am I befuddled? I will explain why I asked if I have to but an honest answer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....

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