Monday, April 3, 2006


Okay, I feel in all honesty- I should confess the reason behind my last post. Even though I know the great and mighty Abigail will be ridiculed, mocked and laughed at, I am pretty sure she is in need of a good dose of humility right now and what better way than a confession.

So here it goes- I, Abigail, fake baked!!! Gee, I thought by saying that I would feel better, but no my red neck is still burnt. Last summer, because I lifeguard, I was extremely dark with a "lifeguard tan." And even though I am still rather tan, for personal reasons, I decided I wanted to enhance it. I absolutely burned on my neck because I never got a tan there last summer. Dang those lifeguard tans!!!

So laugh all you want, I know that I am constantly bashing fake baking. I am a firm believer in getting it the natural way- slipping into a cute bikini and traipsing out into great outdoors. But I don't see myself going outside in the 40 degree weather in my any of my wonderful little bikinis. There is nothing like pulling weeds, burning brush, building foundations, mowing, or just sitting out and reading a good book and getting a tan.

Here are a couple of pics:

Here is the blanket I am making. It is already bigger.

Here is my quilt. Ain't it pretty!

Here is my desk. Yes, it is messy, but I have since cleaned it.

This is the mailing we did for the Campaign Kick Off. We sent over 1000 letter. That was a fun 2 days.

This is Leticia on her birthday.

My toes. I realize you can't see the flowers but they are there.

The moral of this story is - I should not be left by myself, alone for 10 days. There are more pictures but I think I will go easy on you guys today. Enjoy. Laugh. I know ya'll will. Tonight is a busy night so I have to run, Luv ya


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