Sunday, February 5, 2006


Just when I think I am done being stupid, It comes back to bite me in the butt. I really hesitate to tell you what happened this weekend, but because I know someone out there somewhere - needs a laugh. I will humiliate myself for that one person. I urge you to laugh with caution (I am sure there have been people that have died from laughing).
I spent last weekend ALONE. Well sort of, I mean I spent most of the weekend on the phone with Elizabeth, but there was no one with me at my house.
Friday night, I was settled comfortably on the couch watching a movie, in my jammies, talking to Elizabeth when I decided I wanted some popcorn. I threw a bag in the microwave, hit the"popcorn" button, and settled back on the couch. I noticed when it was done that it looked like it was only half popped. So me being the brilliant person that I am, I put it in for a couple more seconds. When I decided that yes indeed, It was absolutely done popping I took it out. At first I thought it was just a little bit burned but when I opened it and plumes of smoke came out. I realized something was wrong. The inside of the bag was actually on fire. Never having had this problem before, I wasn't sure what to do. Here I am on the phone with Elizabeth, the bag is on fire in my hands, and I am choking on smoke. I rushed it over to the sink and doused it with water. The bag was charcoal by the time it was all said and done. I pride myself on being a good cook, and all around this experience was humbling. The smell was horrible and it didn't go away until the later part of the weekend. The house looked like 7 chain smokers lived there. I couldn't hardly see. How embarrassing.
Sunday- I decided to make a trip to Target. Upon getting in the Truck, I decided I was needed to get it some gas. I pulled all the way up to the pump before realizing that I didn't know where the fuel door button was. I looked everywhere... Panicked I drove home and spent the next 30 mins. in the driveway looking at the instruction manual. Finally I gave up and got out to go inside when I noticed that the fuel door opens by itself. I felt soooo stupid. I mean I have made fun of people for less than that. It really chastised me. I mean, it is not going to stop me from making fun of people, but I will be more "understanding" from now on.. hehe I love you guys but ya'll make it too easy.

Random Facts:

1. There really is a guy named Damien Badboy
2. There is a guy named Manley Brahs
3. There is a family whose kids are named- Selah, Shelby, Sydney, Seth, Shanie, Sampson, Saul, and Simon. There parents are named Scott and Annette
4. It was 10 degrees outside most of the day.

Here are some Pics

Snow- the view from outside the sewing room window.

My room - look Ma -Its clean

Still clean!!!

View from the back porch

Me sewing

A preview of my Quilt

Me getting ready for a night on the town.

The farm- from the window of the room I slept in.


PS: There are a lot more pictures but I didn't want to scare you too much . hehe (there are some really scary ones)

Quote of the Day:

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former"
-Albert Einstein

Leviticus (yuck) 3-4 Matt. 4-5

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