Friday, April 7, 2006

Caucus Night

I went to a Dairy Queen today. BIG DIFFERENCE. Hello, there are NO steak finger baskets or salads for that matter. What the heck!! I remember that there was less food and more Ice Cream, but how can these people survive with only hamburgers?

Today was Vicky's birthday....

In other news:

We are starting a softball team and they are drafting me. That means I might be staying here for the summer. Not sure yet, but... It ought to be interesting/hysterical. My only regret is that there will be people there to witness me "playing ball". If this happens, I will be coming home for at least a week. But like I said- this is still a huge MAYBE. So don't get tooo excited -either way.

Things I learned today:

After several nasty days (weather wise) , your eyes start to glaze over. It truly is a terrible feeling.
Ice Cream can help fix that.
Being 5'11" and wearing heels is actually a good thing. McGyver couldn't find as many uses for stilettos as I did today.
It is really easy to freak people out... All I have to do is remain silent.(Luckily for them -it is a rare thing)
Getting a thank you card in the mail for the job you do is truly wonderful.
I am 44% mean and I am 80% normal (but I have to ask you- by who's standards)
I don't like Minnesota DQ's.
I shouldn't take Internet polls that Marcus gives me.
I -by Internet poll standards -am one of the nicest people in the office.
My mom is awesome!!!

Okay, so today was the start of Minnesota's political process -Caucus night. Which basically is a bunch of people that have nothing better to do than sit around and talk on a Tuesday night, and propose amendments to the Republican platform. I went into this thing completely convinced that I was going to be bored out of my mind. But...... I actually enjoyed it. Granted it had its moments, but it was kinda exciting. Shocking, Huh? I know!!!! I was surprised that Abigail kinda enjoys politics and they don't completely go over her head. Then again, I always was a "geek."

Here is some info for anyone who cares what the heck I am talking about. Consider yourself "educated."

Definition of Caucus

A caucus is most generally defined as being a meeting of supporters or members of a political party or movement. The exact definition varies between different countries.

In the United States, a caucus is a meeting of local members of a political party or subgroup to nominate candidates, plan policy, etc., in the Congress of the United States or other similar representative organs of government.

In early United States History, the Congressional nominating caucus and legislative caucus were influential meetings of congressmen to decide the party's nominiee for President and legislative policy. Similar caucuses were held by the parties at state level.

History of Caucus

The origin of the word "caucus" is debated, although it is generally agreed that it came into use in English in the United States. According to some sources, it comes from the Algonquin word for "counsel," cau´-cau-as´u, and was probably introduced into American political usage through the Democratic Party machine in New York known as Tammany Hall, which liked to use Native American terms. Other sources claim that it derived from Medieval Latin caucus, meaning "drinking vessel", and link it to the Boston Club. In the Finnish language, there is also a word, kokous, meaning an official meeting. The existence of this word in the Finnish language supports the theory that it has European origins. It is also known that many Finns moved to the United States, more specifically to the East Coast and the areas surrounding the Great Lakes.

Random Pics:

This is a pic of my wheels (aka the parade vehicle) Yes it is dirty but when the temperatures dip below freezing they shut off the car washes. Besides- IT IS A TRUCK.

Yes, this seems like a random pic but the temperature outside is 20 below.We are traveling 70 miles an hour and that exhaust is billowing out. I am wearing my fuzzy gloves.


Quote of the day:
Crime does not pay ... as well as politics.
Alfred Newman

Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy.
Ernest Benn

Being in politics is like being a football coach. You have to be smart enough to understand the game, and dumb enough to think it's important.
Eugene McCarthy

Num. 34-35

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