Friday, April 14, 2006


The Kick-off

(aka "The Night of the Butt")

Well, I have been meaning to write what has been going on, but you will have to excuse me if I am to busy living my life to actually take the time to write about it. j/k. But it has been crazy. I think I have officially started every single post with - it has been crazy, I don't have time, or I have gone off the deep end and become insane.

Saturday- I lazed around.End of story? No. Saturday we celebrated Vicky's birthday by going out to eat. Yum. Then we went to Target and I bought "Walk the Line". I love that movie.

Sunday- Went to the early service again. It really puts a cramp in my style to wake up that early on a weekend, but I like the nap after words. That afternoon we played bridge. Okay, so I know that it is customary to think only "old" people play bridge, but that would be where you are extremely wrong. It is an awesome game! My partner was John. If you had told me I would be "letting" a congressman down, in a game of bridge, six months ago I would have thought you lost your everlivin mind. In all reality, I didn't let him down, and we actually would have won except I had to leave because the weather was starting to get bad and I had to go to Leticia's.

Sunday Evening - I spent the night in Shockapee at Leticia's house. We had a "brilliant plan" (sarcasm dripping). I was to spend the night and make sure her kids get off to school because she had to get a morning Kick Off event ( Monday was the day to kick off Kline for Congress's Campaign. We had two events -a breakfast for big donors and a night time rally for supper) and had to leave early. That was the plan but......

Monday Morning - I was abruptly woken by Leticia. Apparently it snowed 12 inches the night before, and the schools where closed. Nice huh. So I spent the morning babysitting. I was caught in a small blizzard with two young boys, two cats, and a dog (and a partridge and a pear tree). Why did I not see it coming? I really am too naive for my own good. haha. Honestly though, It wasn't bad and I do love those kids. Just unexpected.

Monday Evening- THE KICK OFF. Not much to say about it other than I do have pics. I did learn a valuable lesson though. I learned not to block a 3 yr old's path. I tried to keep him from getting out of this little area, and he tried to bite my butt. No snide comments. Believe me, I have heard them all.

I know this is a really boring post but ya'll can just get over it. It lacks my usually quirkiness.

FYI: This weekend, my amazing grandmother will be coming to visit and I will be going to the farm on Saturday and Sunday. It is going to be extremely hectic, but I am soooo excited. I need a good dose of some Texan.

Also, I was told today of a rumor that is being spread that I love Minnesota, and I am never coming home. That is pretty ridiculous. Well, it is true that I love Minnesota, but it can never compete with my Lone Star State. Up here, they don't call me Miss Texas for nothing. Besides the 12 inches of snow was about to do me in. I had to drive today while there was still snow on the roads. FOUR WHEEL DRIVE. Awesome!!! Slipping and sliding -completely and utterly nerve racking.


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