Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Fight...

For a brief period of time as she sunk deeper into the cool, dark blue water, she entertained the thought of drowning. The water cradled her in her descent and comforted her broken mind. Finally able to feel a strange calm, she turned off her mind and floated calmly towards her end. Of course, she wasn’t thinking clearly, but being wrapped in a blanket of water had taken away her ability to reason. Was this not easier?

Then, it hit her- her oxygen was depleted. A pain in her lungs paralyzed her thoughts in a way the water couldn’t, but she knew her choice was now -finish it or fight. This was the point of no return. The deceptive waters held her even closer trying to make her decision one of ease, but her brain screamed, “WAKE UP, this isn’t you.” The fighter inside her arose. Thrashing about, she tried to escape the waters grasp. Stubborn, the water held on to it’s captive. She was losing the battle. Knowing this was her last moment, she used her precious last ounce of breath to cry out to her savior for help.

A supernatural peace came over her. Her thoughts were no longer muddled and strength flooded into her body that was not her own. She broke the surface of the dark and tumultuous water only to flip over on her back and bask in the light. The possessive water still lapped at her body- demanding it’s pound of flesh, but her thoughts were only on her savior and the light.

Her independence and complacency had gotten her here. Looking at the world through new eyes, that had to change. Her uprising out of the depths had placed her back in the arms of her first love-a place where the status quo was not acceptable.

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