Thursday, April 6, 2006


This weekend was not exactly the easiest time for me. Friday night we had a staff party and I got to meet the DC staff. I liked them all. I don't know what it is about the staff parties that make me homesick, but it never fails to happen.

Saturday, I spent the day cleaning up after the party and cleaning my room. Oooooohhh, clean sheets never felt so good! Okay, so I admit, I did take a nap too. Cut me some slack- the day before was hard on me. I also watched Dirty Dancing and worked on my projects.

Saturday night and Sunday morning, I barely slept at all. I think I got 3 hrs sleep before I had to wake up at 6:15 to go to the "early service." But I am not bitter -No, not me.

Sunday, -No I am not planning on giving up anything for Lent. After all, what would I give up? Chocolate? Hamburgers? I still need to gain weight. I have gained 5 pounds since I have been here. It is survival of the fittest, and I will be darned if I am going to let a little grease stand between me being fit. Besides eating, the only other thing "worth" giving up would be my cell phone. And right now, not sure that would be such a hot idea( though I am pretty sure my mom would disagree after that last phone bill). After all, it might be the only thing keeping me from contracting a twitch.

Sunday Afternoon, I took a nap (Yes, I did. So what of it?) then I went to Diana's to play bridge. It was a fun game but my goodness the insults were flying particularly in my direction. Apparently it is a "better with enhancement" kinda game (translation: better with wine -lots and lots of wine).

Sunday Night, My mom called me and told me my baby had died. Lil Black Thang was run over. Everyone has that one special animal that they love more than any other pet in there life. She was mine.

I am "recovering" from the weekend events. I will be my normal "Abigailish" self, but probably not today. Thanks for keeping me in your prayers. I honestly think I can feel them at certain times.


Quote of the Day:

Of all God's creatures there is only one that cannot be made the slave of the lash. That one is the cat. If man could be crossed with a cat it would improve man, but it would deteriorate the cat.
-Mark Twain

Num 32-33

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