Monday, June 12, 2006

Drenched Rat

Sunday started out like any normal day. I didn't want to get out of bed. My hair required more attention then I wanted or had time to give it. I had this insane last minute urge to paint my toes. I nearly forgot to put on deodorant. Normal huh!!Unfortunately, the day turned ______(words fail me so you decide).

I picked up Diana and we headed to the office to load the truck. (We had two parades that day. Including one that was called the Cheese Festival Parade.) While loading the truck, the alarm went off in the building. Diana had propped open the door and so this siren was going off and a voice was saying, "Door compromised. Siren will go off until it is shut." That is exactly the voice I want to hear at freakin' 9:30 on a Sunday morning.

McDonalds hash browns and 15 mins later, I was on my way to our first parade. I don't mind long trips if I can listen to music but unfortunately Diana and I don't have the same taste in music. So it was a loooong ride.

We got to the first parade site. It was freezing and starting to rain. Talk about awful. We walked in that parade with few hitches and moved on to the next one. That is when it started pouring. For half of the parade, it was raining on us. Not to mention the fact that we had the usual weirdo's and freaks. One guy asked me to put a tattoo on his butt. Wouldn't have been so bad except he was hideous. Then there was one guy who was sitting there scowling at me, giving me the thumbs down and shaking his head. Of course, me being the person that I am I flashed him a big smile and shook my head yes. I do think it aggravated him more, but oh well. The locals really and truly crack me up.

The second we finished the parade, the sun came out. How is that for my kind of luck.... I can't take anymore icky guys... No matter, how much I ask for it!!( Okay, so I wear cute skirts and try to look nice. Does that give them a right??????).

I don't think I can go through one day without making someone mad. Maybe I do need to have a career in politics. I can see it now Congresswoman Abigail______. Yep, that officially sounds awful.

First thing is first though, I have to cut back on saying the word "like". I will never get far with a vocabulary consisting of that word. Leticia got me started on it and it has been a doozy to get rid of. John says it is a lousy excuse for the word umm.

Just because I feel like putting this down- there is no way to look cute and mow at the same time. I have tried every way. Not that I am trying to impress anyone but it would be nice if I didn't look like I was clodding around.

While I am on random subjects, I guess I have been a little anti-social lately. I found out exactly how many messages my voice mail holds. The worse part of not answering your phone and having all those messages is that eventually you have to check them and sometimes you even have to call them back. Luckily that mood never lasts long.


Quotes of the day:
He is one of those people who would be enormously improved by death.


Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 - 1882),

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