Thursday, February 2, 2006

Boehner wins, Marcus has cooties

Monday- Was extremely crazy, I didn't stop all day. When I finally got home, I pretty much slept the rest of the night. I had some crazy messages the next morning. But unfortunately, I couldn't even call those people back because I had slept late and had to yank some jeans on and go. (Yes, for you sick individuals, I had a shirt on too).
Tuesday- another crazy day. No time to breath. I found out from Leticia that Marcus had cooties and was covered in a rash. She advised me to shower even though we were pretty sure it was an allergic reaction to his sickness the week before.
My cousin's opponent (Coleen Rowley) paid us a visit. She was wearing a poncho that went down to her calves. I know for a fact, I don't have the "Democrat" hair cut and I am proud of my "Republican" hair (even though it has looked pretty shaggy lately).
Wednesday- Sharon Marko announced her candidacy to run against my cousin. So now we not only have Rowley but Marko also.
Thursday- It has been an extremely stressful week, but I have been happy. Life is good and I am breathing. And most important - God is in control. Today, I had to stay late because I was driving Diana home and we were having issues with our computers. Every computer in the office is named after a political person. "Cheney" went on life support. It was his heart, but we did surgery and gave him a pacemaker and now he is humming along.( His power button was broken). Boehner won the House Majority Leader Race. Thus ending lots of stress on our part.

Things I miss about Texas:

1. Little Black Thang
2. My Fam
3. Elizabeth
4. Driving a stick shift
5. Sonic Vanilla Dr. Peppers
6. Warmth -wearing my bikini in February
7. Stars Over Texas- and all that represents
8. Drunk Hicks - you never know how much you miss them until they are gone. Driving with them on the roads definetly keeps things interesting.
9. Lone Pine
10. The Bird Lady and Mrs Pookie

Things I don't miss about Texas:

1. Dirt/drought
2. College
3. Sharing a room
4. Kamikaze Deer

Things I will miss about Minnesota when I leave:

1. Johnny and Vicky and the Gang- They are all so wonderful.
2. Driving the truck. I learned on a truck and am absolutely being spoiled!!!!
3. Good Starbucks - Minnesotan's expect the best out of Starbucks and they get it!!
4. Snow- when it happens
5. Sewing
6. Those Minnesotan Boys - oooooohhhh honey

Things I won't miss about Minnesota:

1. Snow -ironic that I won't miss it and I will
2. St. Paul's roadways- you have to have a sick and twisted mind to understand them.
3. Minnesotan Drivers -
4. Coleen Rowley
5. The Practice Highway- all the highways in Minnesota are set at 70-55 speed limit except one which is 45. Crazy..
6. Butch - the creepy waiter from Denny's

Love ya all,

Quotes of the day:

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be"
Abraham Lincoln

"God loves to change the facts- He calls them miracles"

Ex. 35-36

Also Pray for me I think I may be coming down with something.

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