Monday, February 27, 2006

I'm Back

Whew, What a weekend!!!! Okay, lets see if I can relay half of what happened.

Friday: I got a manicure and pedicure, and have decided that I am spoiled for life. I can't imagine going through life ever again without getting one at least every now and then. My toes are soooo cute. The lady put a flower on each of the big toes. I have never thought of my feet as being gorgeous though that has never stopped me from wearing flip-flops 24/7. But now even despite the scars (thanks Marcos), I love my feet!!!!

Friday Night: We went to a play/musical called My Green Eyes. That was interesting. I thought the person sitting next to me was going to kill me. Unfortunately, I didn't realize until it was too late that it wasn't a comedy. I never knew that you could use the word pesticide in music -How naive I am!!! Vicky and I had the cutest hair there. The place was full of "artsy" people and homeschoolers. I learned several life lessons from this experience such as - nothing ends a relationship quicker than "breaking up" in song ,and don't make eye contact with people that have more than 6 in. of hair protruding from their head.

Saturday Afternoon: I have been here less than 2 months and I have already been to my first funeral/memorial. Diana's mom died and we attended her funeral. The church and the service was beautiful. After the service, we went back to Diana's house for the wake. Sometime during the afternoon, Diana shoved this drink that looked like prune juice mixed with motor oil into our hands, and said it was her mothers favorite. The drink was called Glug and smelled like cinnamon raisin bread. If asked, I will tell you what is in it but.... WOW! Apparently, the ingredients were old and it tasted HORRIBLE!!! And worst of all at the bottom of the cup there were ----raisins.

Saturday Night: I babysat Leticia's kids while she and Paul went to a Marti Gra party and got "Lit up like a Christmas Tree". WILD TIMES... It was crazy but according to Leticia -Those kids love me. I have made up my mind about something... I WILL GET AN INSIDE HOUSE DOG!!! -AND I AM PRETTY SURE IT WILL BE A SHELTIE.. Not sure when, but it will happen in my lifetime.

Sunday: Went to the farm. Last week the farm got 13 inches of snow but there was hardly any left by the time we got there. (sniff, no snowman) It was a spur of the moment trip. My quilt is nearly finished - It is all pinned together now it just needs to be sewed. My croquet blanket is almost done too. I have been moving right along on my projects.

Today: PHONE BILL CAME... My momma was haaaapppy.... Fun times!!!

I have been sick this weekend -sinus. In fact, there was a couple of days that I can't be held accountable for anything I might has said cause I was - ALL DOPED UP. I don't remember half of the conversations I had during this time period, but I have been told I was FUN. So if I promised any of ya'll my first child - You can't have it!

To Whom it May Concern: (snicker) A majority of my time, at my job is spent looking up people's addresses. I KNOW HOW TO USE THE INTERNET!!! Thanks for the vote of confidence...

I have survived yet another month and wouldn't you know - The sun is coming out.

-Random Abigail

by Shane Barnard

Growin’ up I overheard
All the grown ups sayin’
You better be prayin’
And sayin’
All the right little things
At the right little times
And I had it down
At least on the outside
I’d put my best side forward
I could smile with the best
And dress like the rest
Of the messed up church folk singin’ a song

Are you sitting down
With all your sin and shame all stored up
Are you ready to live
For what the law could not do
God did

Could it be that morality
Got the best of you and me
Got us thinking
That we’re on the brink
Of a drink of the cup that’s all filled up
With the cross havin’ even a little to do with us
It was His day
It was His way
To the glory of His grace
Took our disease
Enough to please
The Father of lights
To bruise Jesus

Maybe do’s and don’ts
Were made to show
How much we do
And don’t ever make it

I feel that this is Self Explanatory.

Quote of the Day:

After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.
-Aldous Huxley

Num 16-17

Red Neck..

Okay, so I know the true meaning of being a red neck now. I refuse to comment on how I got this "revelation" but all you need to know is I earned it... This chick will never be anything better that a hick. And I am absolutely okay with that.

I have been on a self improvement binge lately. I have been eating lots of greasy food and gaining weight, getting manicures and pedicures, eating vitamins and fruit, and slathering on the lotion (the cold is doing strange things to my skin but wonderful things to my hair

I am sooo glad March is here. Supposedly, March is supposed to be the snowiest month. I NEED THE SNOW!!! What the heck, people have been promising me snow since I got up here.

The next couple of weeks are going to be absolutely crazy. I have something planned nearly everyday. My weekends are completely full up to the second.

You might be a Red Neck if:

Your state's got a new law that says when a couple
get divorced, they are still legally brother and sister.
If you can burp
and say your name at the same time,
you're shur'nuff a redneck.

Your front porch collapses
and four dogs git killed.

Sorry but I am all about "themes." Deal with it.

I just had to break up the "theme" it was driving me crazy. I can't help it. I am a red neck, but I am not evil. hahaha. I love you guys. Keep me in your prayers, ya'll are in mine.


Num. 20-21

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Morning will come

My mom sent me this article from the Detroit Paper. It made me laugh so here it is. 50 years of learnin taught -

Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night
If you had to identify in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved and will never achieve, its full potential, that word would be "meetings"
People who want to share their religious view with you almost never want you to share yours with them
You should not confuse your carrer with your life
Never lick a steak knife
The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
You will never find anybody who can give you a compelling reason why we observe daylight savings time.
You should never say anything to a woman that even remotely suggests you think she is pregnant unless you can see an actual baby emerging from her at that moment.
There comes a time when you should stop expecting other people to make a big deal about your birthday. That time is age eleven
Thought for the day: men are fine wine. They start out as grapes, and it is up to woman to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.
Friends could care less about seeing your surgical scar
The only thing that Saran Wrap clings to ..... is more Saran Wrap
You can have your face lifted, turned around, and shoved to the right..... but you will never look like Brittany Spears
Men get married so they don't have to hold thier stomachs in any longer.
Here's the answer to why married women are heavier than single women. Single women come home, see the fridge and got to bed. Married woman come home, see what is in the bed and go to the fridge.

Come Higher

Everything you see- you can have

Come Higher

It is all within your grasp

Come Higher

Fame and Fortune

Come Higher

The choice is yours

Come Higher

Just don't be deceived

Come Higher

Know exactly what you are getting yourself into

Come Higher

When I say you can have it all - I mean ALL

Come Higher

Divorce, Bankruptcy, No Peace, Torment, Despair,

Come Higher

Life is full of choices

Come Higher

You can chose everything and wind up with a mediocre life at best

Come Higher

Or you can surrender, come higher, and find life

I love this song (hurt) because when ever I feel down I realize that I don't have to live like the person in this song. I have everything inside of me to never go through any of that. IT IS NOT WORTH IT... We put ourselves in a dungeon then cry because it is dark. I refuse to live my life in a dungeon. Been there done that and I REFUSE to go back.


What have I become?

My sweetest friend

Everyone I know

Goes away in the end

And you could have it all - my empire of dirt

I will let you down

I will make you hurt

If I could start again

A million miles away

I would keep myself

I would find a way

Everytime I listen to that song, it reminds me of the world- Christians in general. I want to live my life to the full potential - being unhappy is not an option. Unworthy as I am, I press on for the prize. Pray for me... I love it up here, but.......


Monday, February 20, 2006

A tribute

February has always been a special month around my house. My Great-Grandmother's birthday is on the 22nd. This year is my first year without her, she would be turning 89. I will always consider myself lucky to have spent two wonderful years living with her. I am the person I am today because of her unfailing love.

Things I learned from Gra:

What unconditional love is
How to make pralines
That nothing is ever too glittery or gaudy
Purple is the best color
Life is not worth living if you don't have a pair of long earrings to match every outfit.
Holidays are to be celebrated extravagantly
Hugs are wonderful
Homemade gifts are the best
Watching old movies is a great pastime
There is no such thing as to many good smelling things in one house
Homemade popcorn beats microwave any day
Spanish Rice can save lives
Collecting things -Angels, Santa's, and anything shiny
A love for Roses
Never talk bad about your neighbor
A spray can of paint can beautify anything
Duct Tape - need I say more
Everyone should have a bird feeder
Bloom where your planted
Finding someone that truly understood me and stuck by me through thick and thin (and at that point in my life there was a heck of a lot of thin) is the best thing that could have ever happened to me.

Though I miss her I know she is in a better place. When I "grow" up, I want to be just like her. I still consider February 22, a national holiday. It will always be important to me.

Say Goodbye

So say goodbye 'cause you'll be leaving soon
I know it's hard, and I'll be missing you
I know it's time to say goodbye

I know the road, has worn You down
You never broke, you always held your ground
But now it's time to say goodbye

Say goodbye
Say goodbye

And though you're gone I remember now the time we shared,
Your words still ring out
You're never far, you're in my heart

Someday we'll meet again
'Cause that's how the story goes
It's so hard to say goodbye
Say goodbye
-Sanctus Real

I love ya'll much!!!!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I love Harrison Ford


John Kline

Here is a picture of me with my favorite Congressman. Okay, so I look like I am 5. Note to self -wear more eyeliner and learn to stop trying to pose. This was at an event honoring Hurricane Katrina Victims.

Today we went to see the new Harrison Ford movie Firewall. Ooooohhhh honey!!! I love that man. He just gets better with age.

The cold is coming. Tomorrow it is supposed to in the single digits and late Thursday or Friday it is supposed to get below 0. I have so many things I have to do. Pray that this skinny butt survives the tundra.


Drive on a frozen lake
Build a snow man
Make a snow angel
Ice Fish
Snow Board??????

That is all I got.... There ain't no more. My love to you all-


Quote of the day:

"Man calls it addiction. God calls it sin."

-Shannan Howlett

Lev. 21-22 Matt. 21-22

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day, People

This has been a wonderful Valentines day.... Chocolate, cards, balloons, streamers, Naughty and Nice pranks, and sweet phone calls. Not to mention the hott date.... I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

This morning, I woke up and I had several valentines waiting on me downstairs. Thanks Kaitlyn, I promise- I will get fatter, and yes, Vicky is spoiling me rotten.Your the best!!!! I love you sis. And as for that Knot Head Brother of mine - I luv ya, boy. Thanks for your hancock.

Then after our weekly Tuesday 10 o'clock volunteer meeting, I went with Leticia to TP her husbands cubical. Talk about crazy... She is supposed to send me the pictures we took, along with the ones from Buck Hill to me soon. His secretary distracted him while we blew up balloons, put heart jewels all over his desk, threw red and white streamers everywhere and put his gift on his chair (Leticia bought him a cordless drill and some lingerie). He came back shocked and kept saying stuff like, "When did this happen" and when he opened the gift and saw the lingerie he said," I can't show ya'll this."

For lunch they took me out to eat at a restaurant called Old Chicago. It was delicious. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon -well, I'll be honest- doing absolutely nothing.

When I got home, I went to my room to change and noticed more Valentine Cards and a Big Red Balloon. Somebody loves me.....Big Surprise!!!! I am so blessed...


Doug and Shannan Howlett
Sherry Wright
Gene and Kitty Howlett
Kaitlyn Howlett
Samuel Howlett
John and Vicky
Leticia, Pauly, TJ, and Brady
Krista and the Wenzel Clan
There is not a web page in this world big enough for the rest of ya'll but I love ya'll just the same.

Quotes of the Day

"Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real"

-Iris Murdoch

"For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation."

-Rainer Maria Rilke

I just want everyone to know - I love ya'll. I am blessed to have surrounded myself with good people. Thank you all for your support. You will never know what it means to me. I can never express how much I truly love and appreciate all of you!!!!


Lev. 19-20 Mat. 19-20

Sunday, February 5, 2006


Just when I think I am done being stupid, It comes back to bite me in the butt. I really hesitate to tell you what happened this weekend, but because I know someone out there somewhere - needs a laugh. I will humiliate myself for that one person. I urge you to laugh with caution (I am sure there have been people that have died from laughing).
I spent last weekend ALONE. Well sort of, I mean I spent most of the weekend on the phone with Elizabeth, but there was no one with me at my house.
Friday night, I was settled comfortably on the couch watching a movie, in my jammies, talking to Elizabeth when I decided I wanted some popcorn. I threw a bag in the microwave, hit the"popcorn" button, and settled back on the couch. I noticed when it was done that it looked like it was only half popped. So me being the brilliant person that I am, I put it in for a couple more seconds. When I decided that yes indeed, It was absolutely done popping I took it out. At first I thought it was just a little bit burned but when I opened it and plumes of smoke came out. I realized something was wrong. The inside of the bag was actually on fire. Never having had this problem before, I wasn't sure what to do. Here I am on the phone with Elizabeth, the bag is on fire in my hands, and I am choking on smoke. I rushed it over to the sink and doused it with water. The bag was charcoal by the time it was all said and done. I pride myself on being a good cook, and all around this experience was humbling. The smell was horrible and it didn't go away until the later part of the weekend. The house looked like 7 chain smokers lived there. I couldn't hardly see. How embarrassing.
Sunday- I decided to make a trip to Target. Upon getting in the Truck, I decided I was needed to get it some gas. I pulled all the way up to the pump before realizing that I didn't know where the fuel door button was. I looked everywhere... Panicked I drove home and spent the next 30 mins. in the driveway looking at the instruction manual. Finally I gave up and got out to go inside when I noticed that the fuel door opens by itself. I felt soooo stupid. I mean I have made fun of people for less than that. It really chastised me. I mean, it is not going to stop me from making fun of people, but I will be more "understanding" from now on.. hehe I love you guys but ya'll make it too easy.

Random Facts:

1. There really is a guy named Damien Badboy
2. There is a guy named Manley Brahs
3. There is a family whose kids are named- Selah, Shelby, Sydney, Seth, Shanie, Sampson, Saul, and Simon. There parents are named Scott and Annette
4. It was 10 degrees outside most of the day.

Here are some Pics

Snow- the view from outside the sewing room window.

My room - look Ma -Its clean

Still clean!!!

View from the back porch

Me sewing

A preview of my Quilt

Me getting ready for a night on the town.

The farm- from the window of the room I slept in.


PS: There are a lot more pictures but I didn't want to scare you too much . hehe (there are some really scary ones)

Quote of the Day:

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not sure about the former"
-Albert Einstein

Leviticus (yuck) 3-4 Matt. 4-5

Thursday, February 2, 2006

Boehner wins, Marcus has cooties

Monday- Was extremely crazy, I didn't stop all day. When I finally got home, I pretty much slept the rest of the night. I had some crazy messages the next morning. But unfortunately, I couldn't even call those people back because I had slept late and had to yank some jeans on and go. (Yes, for you sick individuals, I had a shirt on too).
Tuesday- another crazy day. No time to breath. I found out from Leticia that Marcus had cooties and was covered in a rash. She advised me to shower even though we were pretty sure it was an allergic reaction to his sickness the week before.
My cousin's opponent (Coleen Rowley) paid us a visit. She was wearing a poncho that went down to her calves. I know for a fact, I don't have the "Democrat" hair cut and I am proud of my "Republican" hair (even though it has looked pretty shaggy lately).
Wednesday- Sharon Marko announced her candidacy to run against my cousin. So now we not only have Rowley but Marko also.
Thursday- It has been an extremely stressful week, but I have been happy. Life is good and I am breathing. And most important - God is in control. Today, I had to stay late because I was driving Diana home and we were having issues with our computers. Every computer in the office is named after a political person. "Cheney" went on life support. It was his heart, but we did surgery and gave him a pacemaker and now he is humming along.( His power button was broken). Boehner won the House Majority Leader Race. Thus ending lots of stress on our part.

Things I miss about Texas:

1. Little Black Thang
2. My Fam
3. Elizabeth
4. Driving a stick shift
5. Sonic Vanilla Dr. Peppers
6. Warmth -wearing my bikini in February
7. Stars Over Texas- and all that represents
8. Drunk Hicks - you never know how much you miss them until they are gone. Driving with them on the roads definetly keeps things interesting.
9. Lone Pine
10. The Bird Lady and Mrs Pookie

Things I don't miss about Texas:

1. Dirt/drought
2. College
3. Sharing a room
4. Kamikaze Deer

Things I will miss about Minnesota when I leave:

1. Johnny and Vicky and the Gang- They are all so wonderful.
2. Driving the truck. I learned on a truck and am absolutely being spoiled!!!!
3. Good Starbucks - Minnesotan's expect the best out of Starbucks and they get it!!
4. Snow- when it happens
5. Sewing
6. Those Minnesotan Boys - oooooohhhh honey

Things I won't miss about Minnesota:

1. Snow -ironic that I won't miss it and I will
2. St. Paul's roadways- you have to have a sick and twisted mind to understand them.
3. Minnesotan Drivers -
4. Coleen Rowley
5. The Practice Highway- all the highways in Minnesota are set at 70-55 speed limit except one which is 45. Crazy..
6. Butch - the creepy waiter from Denny's

Love ya all,

Quotes of the day:

"Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be"
Abraham Lincoln

"God loves to change the facts- He calls them miracles"

Ex. 35-36

Also Pray for me I think I may be coming down with something.