Sunday, January 8, 2006

Several things I have learned this week

1. Move over road rage -snowball rage has the possibility of being deadly up here. (TRUE STORY) Some guy attacked two kids violently with snow balls.
2. Socks are not only warm but a good thing. All this time I thought they were one of the Devil's many vices.
3. The possibilities are endless to what you can change your name to after a sex change. There is one poor individual running around with the name Neither Shehe.
4. The Mall of America is awesome; I say that and I am not even a "mall kind of person".(probably has something to do with I hate large crowds). Hello, it has a roller coaster inside it, and 4 floors.
5. Don't barter with Yankee dimes. It isn't worth it.
6. I have no clue what a Holly Hobbie is.
7. Cat clocks are a home reminding tool. Meow.
8. There are people that have your personality, everywhere.
9. Slather the moisturizer on.
10. 30 is considered a heat wave for January.
11. Getting lost while driving in Minneapolis is a norm.
12. Ice fishing is a sport.
13. Texas is the best state in the whole entire world and I love, love, love, love, love, love it.
14. Iowa is still ugly.

Quotes of the Day

If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. If they will perish let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there UNWARNED and UNPRAYED for.
-Charles Spurgeon

Lord Illingworth: One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything.
Mrs. Allonby: She is a Puritan besides--
Lord Illingworth: Ah that is inexcusable. I don't mind plain women being Puritans. It is the only excuse thay have for being plain. But she is decidedly pretty. I admire her immensely.
Mrs. Allonby: What a thoroughly bad man you must be!
Lord Illingworth: What do you call a bad man?
Mrs. Allonby: The sort of man who admires innocence
Lord Illingworth: And a bad woman?
Mrs. Allonby: Oh! the sort of woman a man never get's tired of.

Oscar Wilde A Woman of No Importance

Gen 31-32 Ex 14:14

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