Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Halfway across the world (well it seems like it)

At least I am not homesick anymore. Thanks to some Johnny Cash, wonderful messages left on my phone, my mudder, Elizabeth, and all the Bible reading I have been doing..
I am starting to really like it up here. It snowed a little on Sunday, and I felt like I was 5 years old. I stood out there in wonderment soaking in the flakes as they fluttered all around. The Locals stared at me with bewilderment until I opened my mouth and spoke. Then they just walked off mumbling, " Those Texas hicks act as if they have never seen snow before."
I have officially been working two days now. It is so awesome!!!! I have never really even remotely liked politics but I am really starting to catch the fever. My cousin John Kline
is running against Coleen Rowley. There is the pic.
I went to see Casanova. Liked it.
Ate some Asparagus ( I've had it before and I decided I still hate it).
Read like crazy.
Went to a Methodist church (new experience for me). Decided I don't like the Hymn "God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale" mainly because there is a line in it that says, "God of the swirling stars." Not sure what to think of bulletins (are church doesn't use them so I haven't seen one in a while). Kind of takes all of the suspense out of church. All in all, it was good though and enjoyed it.
Maybe I will come back with my muscles toned, because of all the shivering I have been doing. I am pretty sure I won't be tan though cause I don't believe in Fake Baking. I love you guys -each and everyone of you.


Quotes of the day:

If you ever go to a dinner party and the conversation takes a turn for the worse the best idea is to help it out. Here is a line that is sure to help.

"So, did you watch Martha Stewart today?"

"Deliverance from sin is not the same as deliverance from human nature. There are things in human nature, such as prejudices, that the saint can only destroy through sheer neglect. But there are other things that have to be destroyed through violence, that is, through God's divine strength imparted by His spirit."
Oswald Chambers

PS: to whom may concern, waiting does not make it any easier.

Gen 39-40 Rom 2

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