Friday, January 6, 2006


Oooh honey it's cold outside. Well peoples, I set out to prove that the powdery white stuff that they call snow is a myth. I had this theory that it was a conspiracy these "Up North " people had to make us feel sorry for them. I admit it; I was wrong. There really is snow, it really is cold, and I really do think I will be okay as long as it stays where it is in the 20's and 30's. Can I say really one more time- I really don't know.
Now here is where Abigail's rambling begins. If you can't handle it you better not read any further.
The trip up North was quite eventful. In the middle of nowhere surrounded by shacks the size of outhouses. There was a Hot pink Hummer. I have heard theories that people that drive hummers will/can four-wheel drive them straight into hell. I don't know about all that but I did think it was funny.
We spent the night in Kansas City. Word of advice, don't use any Yankee Candle scents until after you have smelled them or I will strangle you. I don't know which one it was, but that particular smell is about the most rank thing I have ever smelled. This coming from a girl that earned her living mucking stalls and cleaning toilets.
My parents took several "scenic routes" . Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. It was pretty but it was a little frustrating every now and then when my dad whipped out the GPS and said," I know it is supposed to be that way but lets try this road. My mom was the navigator ( enough said). I love you guys.
There is actually gas stations named Tote a Poke and Sac a Pac in Oklahoma. (Those people are weird).
At one point , we passed a semi and I am pretty sure Kevin Bacon was driving. He really let himself go though, and his hair was shoulder length.
There is a town called Fort Coffee.
The lakes are pretty much frozen over here but not enough that you can drive on them.
Iowa is ugly.
I really am enjoying myself here. Tomorrow we are hosting a dinner party. I have to go but I will fill ya'll in later. Don't you know. Chuck your the best!!!!
Love all of you.


Quotes of the day.

"Skippy, don't hold me back; I just want to dance."
Not at liberty to say

"Prayer and faith fit together like a beautiful symphony of orchestral music. Never underestimate them, for they have altered the course of nature, changed the laws of the universe, and have even influenced and changed the mind of God."
Judy Jacobs

Gen. 29-30 2 Tim 3:1-5

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