Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Emergency Room Horrors

Seeing as my life happens in chronological order that is the way you are going to get to experience it. I could also title this entry my "What about Bob" day.
I woke up at a reasonable time and cleaned my room in preparation for the big day. I was going Tubing. I put on at least 5 different shirts, gloves, a hat, a scarf, long johns (yes indeed Abigail's skinny butt had long johns on it; laugh all you want but I was WARM), and snow boots I borrowed from Vicky. They were red and they matched my outfit. You got to know it is all about matching.
So anyway, Leticia, Paul, and their son TJ came to pick me up and we headed to Buck Hill. Soon we were flying down fast on the tubes. It was sooooo much fun. It goes so fast and you spin around, and think you will never make it to the bottom alive. Cool stuff.
Then somehow Leticia and Paul decided that they wanted to go skiing. Worse of all they were going to make me go too. They mentioned something about laughing their butts off as I fall numerous times. They were sure I would, and I hate to dissapoint people. Do you hear the the horror music playing cause I sure did? It was ringing in my head over and over.
Needless to say they put TJ in ski lessons and went to grab our ski's. (Now in case your getting bored so far just know that Leticia has pictures of me flat on my back; and she has promised to e-mail me them. When I see them, they will definitely get posted).
This is where the "What about Bob" part come in? I skied, I skied, I skied!!! ( In reference to Bill Murry's dysfunctional "I sailed" scene). I went on the bunniest of bunny slopes for a while- Like 2 times- before I hit the big time. I fell down several times and totally BOMBED once ( Rolled, lost both skiies, and experienced whiplash GOOD TIMES). I made it down the hill 3 times without falling once. And I didn't even look like I was too green!! There were actually worse skiiers on the hill.
Then it happened-
TJ (Leticia's 10 year-old son) was 25 yards from the bottom of the hill. When he fell and started screaming. He had cried several times before-mainly out of frustration- so we shrugged it off at first. 30 minutes later we finally had him off the hill. He had broken his leg. A five inch diagonal break of the Tibia.
The nightmare that followed lasted several hours. I went with them to the emergency room and sat in waiting room for a couple of hours. There was a creepy guy that stared at me the whole entire time. Normally when someone stares at you they take a break every once in a while. Not this jerk, he stared the whole entire time until the nurse came to get him.The scary thing was that he looked like a normal, everyday, average guy (definitely not like a serial killer). Talk about uncomfortable. Luckily, I was in my don't mess with me mood and if he had tried anything I would have killed him.
Leticia kept coming out, I could tell she was glad I was there but I felt so helpless. Her poor baby was lying in the emergency, and I couldn't do anything. I prayed a lot!
Finally they released him and I went home with them. I met the rest of the family- dogs, cats, and Brady (their 3 year old son). And my cousin John came and picked me up.The roads were really bad and there were several wrecks that night.
I had a restless night filled with nightmares of TJ. Every time I close my eyes I can see it. I will never forget those screams. I woke up sore -everywhere. And spent the day stiff as a statue and hurting. I need a back rub in the worst way!!!
I wouldn't trade the experience for anything, but I feel so bad about TJ. Leticia is taking it really harshly - it is her first "my kid broke something" experience. If ya'll think about it pray for them.
It has snowed off and on for the last two days.It is 19 degrees and COLD. Why did ya'll people let me come up here? I thought ya'll loved me! JK. I do love it up here. I love you guys lots though and miss you immensly.


Quotes of the day

"Overconfidence is a mortal sin"

"It is easier to beg for forgiveness, than ask for permission"*

*Not necessarily the view of the author

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