Sunday, January 15, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

yeah right.
I am adjusting myself to the fact that I am indeed in Minnesota and it does snow here. But I am still not ready for the 8 feet of blanketing purity that so often covers the ground at this time of year. I am enjoying the rosy red cheeks/ brisk cool air weather and am not looking forward to frostbite and numbness.
Here is a brief introduction to the people I know.
John and Vicky- my cousins and the nicest people in the whole entire world.
Leticia and Paul - the fundraiser for the campaign and her husband. She is a lot like me. She is white (as she points out often) and used to be in the army.
Diana- The mother hen. She keeps all of us in line at the campaign office. She is awesome.
Marcus- He is a Minnesota boy through and through. Crazy, but loveable in that big brother sort of way. Works in the campaign office.
Beth and Robert- wonderful people. Robert fixed my computer and is a genius. He calls me Miss Texas.
Friday after work through Saturday afternoon, I slept for the most part due to the horrendous night before.
Saturday for lunch we had hamburgers, fries, and a milkshake. If that doesn't help me get some insulation I don't know what will! Big butt here I come.
Saturday night we (Vicky, Leticia, and me) had a girls night out. We went to eat at a place called the Copper Bleu. Apparently (according to our waiter) the architect was inspired by Doctor Seuis books. So needless to say it was a very interesting place. The food was great though and that is all that ever matters. One of the waiter's kind of reminded me of our Harry Potter (snicker) back home. He looked really young (like 5) and as Leticia pointed out probably had tater tot toes.
Sunday ( today) we went to church. The sermon was great. I really liked the hymns chosen. I did think it was rather funny, though, that they were going to have a big Martin Luther King Jr. Extravaganza tonight and minorities make up less than 3% of the state.
This afternoon, Vicky and I will probably work on my quilt. Cool stuff. Tomorrow I will probably either go to the farm or skiing. We will see. Can ya'll imagine me skiing. I would like to think of myself more as a snowboard kinda girl.
Got to go, but I love you guys. Stay out of trouble. haha


PS I learned how to unzip a dress by myself. With skills like that who needs college, a husband, or a job?

Quotes of the day

"Get over it"

"Ewe's not fat, ewe's just fluffy"

Gen 49-50

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