Sunday, January 29, 2006


Okay, so lately my life has been extremely hectic. This is the first time I have been home in days.
Thursday- I went to a little town called Houston, Minnesota population 1002. Vicky's four sisters and her own a family farm down there. The family farm has been there since 1858 and was built by her dad. Owning the house that you grew up in, and that all of your fondest memories took place in has got to be the most awesome thing in the world.
That night we hung out, read books, took a nap, ate real popcorn with real butter (ummmm), watched About a Boy and 3 episodes of the first season of Lost, and we even had time to have the "grand tour" of the land. I slept in a yellow room ( I have never much liked that color, but for some reason I have kind of changed my mind a little and decided it is a cheerful color). The whole no cell phone thing was marvelous. I don't think I will ever get to the point that I don't ever answer my phone like Krista, but I do think it can be a waste of time.
Friday- We woke up and started the 2 1/2 hr. trek back home. Leticia asked me at work if I would babysit her children because the sitter couldn't make it. I hadn't babysat since I was 15, but I think the night was a success. Her kids (TJ 11; Brady 3) love me and I love them right back. I spent the night there because Leticia had a friend coming in from Iowa and she wanted us to have a "girl's day out". Out of the blue that night, Brady started calling me Bambi and Leticia heard it. She said quickly (I am guessing) before she thought, " You can't call her that- that's a stripper's name." TJ promptly asked what a stripper was and Leticia turned green. lol Now you know.... Shucks!!!!
Saturday- Leticia asked Brady if he liked me, and he said I was his girlfriend. He truly is a cute kid. This coming from someone who doesn't have a maternal bone in her body. I do like kids and they love me, but I am definitely not one to coo at new born babies and spend time coloring with children for fun. Now old people on the other hand---- haha. I am going to chalk this one up to being home schooled. It traumatizes the best of us!!! lol
We (Leticia, Bridget -her friend, and me) spent the afternoon at the Galeria Mall not failing to stop in at Tiffanys and Co. Moon River was playing in my head as the diamonds sparkled.
We ended out the night by picking up Vicky for a dinner and a movie. We ate at Enjoy restaurant and saw Last Holiday. I almost ate a whole pizza by myself and it was no ordinary baby or even medium pizza. It was huge.
Sunday- today I went to the early service and have absolutely nothing planned. And you better believe I am excited!!!! I know for a fact I am going to take a nap and probably read the Bible. Good stuff.. The weather outside is nasty. Snow/Sleet/Rain/Dark Ominous Clouds.
Congratulations to Elizabeth on her new site. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever happen. I guess you just needed a strong hand to guide you in the right direction. haha I love you girl!!!! You are the best!!
Don't ask me what is up with the brown. Maybe it is because the weather outside. It is a totally drab/glorious day.
All my love to the Lone Star State -


Quotes of the day

"I cannot pretend to feel impartial about colours. I rejoice with the brilliant ones and am genuinely sorry for the poor browns."
-Sir Winston Churchill

"Living outside of the power of the gospel; doesn't change the truth of it"
-Shannan Howlett


Thursday, January 26, 2006

Go Cardinals

Saturday- I decided to visit my friend Krista at her apartment. With printed directions in hand, I set out onto the paved roads of Minneapolis/St. Paul. SCARY..... At first, it went extremely well. I was driving down the highway, Johnny Cash blaring, singing at the top of my lungs. But due to events which I shall not mention, I ended up being flipped off at least twice.
Being the person that I am , I flashed them my dumb blonde look of "Oh, I am sorry did I do something wrong." Which unfortunately only added fuel to the flames. Cool stuff. One guy was rather funny though. He was mouthing words while flipping me off (and his eyebrows where crossed). lol. I have a knack for making people love me.....
I made it all the way to my friends house without too many other incidents. Heck , I made it with the possibility of only one wreck. That is better than my driving record at home. We hung out for a while and laughed/reminisced about old times. We both went through a really awkward stage and unfortunately have the pictures to prove it. ( I don't want any snide remarks about either those pictures or the awkward stage- thank you very much).
Sunday- Went to church. One of the ladies made a comment on how fast us Texans drive. I promptly told her it was because we have been driving since we were 7, and could handle it.. That is one thing Minnesota people can't do is drive.. They are horrible. Yesterday, I saw at least 6 people run red lights and not the barely red lights either. In Texas, I go weeks on end without seeing someone so much as run a yellow light (slight exaggeration, but ya'll get my point). These people run the red light 5 secs after it turned red. And when it snows---- ohmygosh.
During church John and I stumbled across this book called Hidden Women of the Gospel- Susannah, Mari, Magda, and Sara to name a few. Laughingly we have decided before we saw the GOSPEL written on the front of the book that they must be in some obscure book like Leviticus or Numbers.. I mean what crazy person reads those books ( I know, I know don't even say it Marcos). Well we tried looking them up in Strong's Concordance -which is supposed to have every word in the Bible referenced but they weren't there. I was assigned three to find and he was assigned three. So If you know where these women are hiding, I will forever appreciate it. The names are once again -Susanna the shepherdess, Mari, and Magda. I know I am crazy but ya'll can't help but love me.
Diana -the lady I work with- has a theory that all stop signs with white around them are optional.
Anywho, after church I bummed around until it was time to go to an event. The Bethlehem Academy (Home of the Cardinals). We were handing out Certificates of thanks for the people that volunteered for Katrina. It was really nice and went wonderfully. They took a picture of me with my favorite congressman. I had the extremely important task of holding the Blackberry and making sure John remembered his coat. Hopefully, I will be able to post that picture.
There was a priest there dressed in Monk like garb and in the 13 degree weather had on sandles. Ouch.. My toes were numb and I had on pointy heels ( I am not sure if they were numb because of the cold or because I stole the shoes from the Wicked Witch of the West).
It is really cold tonight 13 with the wind chill of 0. Brrrrrr. I am sooooo sorry, I bored ya'll to tears. I promise it will get better. Yeah right. I love you guys and miss my "Texas" hugs. Have a great week..

Quote of the Day

"Bad handwriting is because your brain works faster than your hand"

Finally an excuse!!!!!

Ex. 13-14

Friday, January 20, 2006

One for the Money

Last night, I went to a fundraising event. That was interesting. I wore my black slacks (thanks to the person helped pick them out; they looked great!!!)and my new purple pumps .
The event was hosted at this amazing house. It was ginormous!! They had all the food catered. It was all orderves and it consisted of duck in an apricot sauce, and shrimp breaded with coconut, and chicken in a peanut sauce, to name a few. It was all so yummy. I had about five cokes that night just trying to stay awake. A little bit of an overkill, you might say though, cause then I couldn't go to sleep afterwards.
Leticia couldn't stand it, so she made the hostess give her a full tour of the house. Ohmygosh!!! It was soooo amazing. It was on a lake and the architecture was awesome.
The host and the hostess were gorgeous. He is a CEO of some major company. Talk about having it all! I still wouldn't trade my life and all the people I know for anything though.
Today, I met Leticia's mom. She is a Texan and has the typical Texas Rodeo Queen fluffy/crimpy hair. Don't know why I felt I need to say that but sometimes it just has to come out. She heard I was from Texas, and before I knew what was happening, wrapped me up in a big hug and said, " I bet you need a good Texas hug about now."
I am so ready for this weekend. I have a couple of plans but for the most part I don't want to do anything.
I have gone through down spells every once and a while. But today was definitely not one of them. I love the people up here. I hate to say it, but these Yanks have Southern Hospitality beat by a mile. They are the sweetest, most giving people I have ever met. I will always return to Texas, but maybe I will "learn" and come back more like them. I love you guys and always will!!! Stay out of trouble!
The Abigail I know and love is back with a vengeance! Watch out World!


PS. If you look up H.O.T.T. in the dictionary. There is a picture of the girl on the left next to it!!!! lol

Beat that You Southern boys... You can't can you...

Ex. 9-10

EDIT: Minnesota Hospitality beats Southern Hospitality any day, but as to being a gentleman and opening doors for ladies- Minnesota doesn't even come close. Being courteous and chivalrous is something the South is good at. Our Momma's taught us better than that. I was trying to emphasize on the fact that Minnesoteans are a very giving group and they expect nothing in return. Not like poverty stricken, Red River County that wouldn't give a dime so they could make a buck. Okay, my rant is over. It is starting to go in directions that it doesn't need to touch on.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Emergency Room Horrors

Seeing as my life happens in chronological order that is the way you are going to get to experience it. I could also title this entry my "What about Bob" day.
I woke up at a reasonable time and cleaned my room in preparation for the big day. I was going Tubing. I put on at least 5 different shirts, gloves, a hat, a scarf, long johns (yes indeed Abigail's skinny butt had long johns on it; laugh all you want but I was WARM), and snow boots I borrowed from Vicky. They were red and they matched my outfit. You got to know it is all about matching.
So anyway, Leticia, Paul, and their son TJ came to pick me up and we headed to Buck Hill. Soon we were flying down fast on the tubes. It was sooooo much fun. It goes so fast and you spin around, and think you will never make it to the bottom alive. Cool stuff.
Then somehow Leticia and Paul decided that they wanted to go skiing. Worse of all they were going to make me go too. They mentioned something about laughing their butts off as I fall numerous times. They were sure I would, and I hate to dissapoint people. Do you hear the the horror music playing cause I sure did? It was ringing in my head over and over.
Needless to say they put TJ in ski lessons and went to grab our ski's. (Now in case your getting bored so far just know that Leticia has pictures of me flat on my back; and she has promised to e-mail me them. When I see them, they will definitely get posted).
This is where the "What about Bob" part come in? I skied, I skied, I skied!!! ( In reference to Bill Murry's dysfunctional "I sailed" scene). I went on the bunniest of bunny slopes for a while- Like 2 times- before I hit the big time. I fell down several times and totally BOMBED once ( Rolled, lost both skiies, and experienced whiplash GOOD TIMES). I made it down the hill 3 times without falling once. And I didn't even look like I was too green!! There were actually worse skiiers on the hill.
Then it happened-
TJ (Leticia's 10 year-old son) was 25 yards from the bottom of the hill. When he fell and started screaming. He had cried several times before-mainly out of frustration- so we shrugged it off at first. 30 minutes later we finally had him off the hill. He had broken his leg. A five inch diagonal break of the Tibia.
The nightmare that followed lasted several hours. I went with them to the emergency room and sat in waiting room for a couple of hours. There was a creepy guy that stared at me the whole entire time. Normally when someone stares at you they take a break every once in a while. Not this jerk, he stared the whole entire time until the nurse came to get him.The scary thing was that he looked like a normal, everyday, average guy (definitely not like a serial killer). Talk about uncomfortable. Luckily, I was in my don't mess with me mood and if he had tried anything I would have killed him.
Leticia kept coming out, I could tell she was glad I was there but I felt so helpless. Her poor baby was lying in the emergency, and I couldn't do anything. I prayed a lot!
Finally they released him and I went home with them. I met the rest of the family- dogs, cats, and Brady (their 3 year old son). And my cousin John came and picked me up.The roads were really bad and there were several wrecks that night.
I had a restless night filled with nightmares of TJ. Every time I close my eyes I can see it. I will never forget those screams. I woke up sore -everywhere. And spent the day stiff as a statue and hurting. I need a back rub in the worst way!!!
I wouldn't trade the experience for anything, but I feel so bad about TJ. Leticia is taking it really harshly - it is her first "my kid broke something" experience. If ya'll think about it pray for them.
It has snowed off and on for the last two days.It is 19 degrees and COLD. Why did ya'll people let me come up here? I thought ya'll loved me! JK. I do love it up here. I love you guys lots though and miss you immensly.


Quotes of the day

"Overconfidence is a mortal sin"

"It is easier to beg for forgiveness, than ask for permission"*

*Not necessarily the view of the author

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

yeah right.
I am adjusting myself to the fact that I am indeed in Minnesota and it does snow here. But I am still not ready for the 8 feet of blanketing purity that so often covers the ground at this time of year. I am enjoying the rosy red cheeks/ brisk cool air weather and am not looking forward to frostbite and numbness.
Here is a brief introduction to the people I know.
John and Vicky- my cousins and the nicest people in the whole entire world.
Leticia and Paul - the fundraiser for the campaign and her husband. She is a lot like me. She is white (as she points out often) and used to be in the army.
Diana- The mother hen. She keeps all of us in line at the campaign office. She is awesome.
Marcus- He is a Minnesota boy through and through. Crazy, but loveable in that big brother sort of way. Works in the campaign office.
Beth and Robert- wonderful people. Robert fixed my computer and is a genius. He calls me Miss Texas.
Friday after work through Saturday afternoon, I slept for the most part due to the horrendous night before.
Saturday for lunch we had hamburgers, fries, and a milkshake. If that doesn't help me get some insulation I don't know what will! Big butt here I come.
Saturday night we (Vicky, Leticia, and me) had a girls night out. We went to eat at a place called the Copper Bleu. Apparently (according to our waiter) the architect was inspired by Doctor Seuis books. So needless to say it was a very interesting place. The food was great though and that is all that ever matters. One of the waiter's kind of reminded me of our Harry Potter (snicker) back home. He looked really young (like 5) and as Leticia pointed out probably had tater tot toes.
Sunday ( today) we went to church. The sermon was great. I really liked the hymns chosen. I did think it was rather funny, though, that they were going to have a big Martin Luther King Jr. Extravaganza tonight and minorities make up less than 3% of the state.
This afternoon, Vicky and I will probably work on my quilt. Cool stuff. Tomorrow I will probably either go to the farm or skiing. We will see. Can ya'll imagine me skiing. I would like to think of myself more as a snowboard kinda girl.
Got to go, but I love you guys. Stay out of trouble. haha


PS I learned how to unzip a dress by myself. With skills like that who needs college, a husband, or a job?

Quotes of the day

"Get over it"

"Ewe's not fat, ewe's just fluffy"

Gen 49-50

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Halfway across the world (well it seems like it)

At least I am not homesick anymore. Thanks to some Johnny Cash, wonderful messages left on my phone, my mudder, Elizabeth, and all the Bible reading I have been doing..
I am starting to really like it up here. It snowed a little on Sunday, and I felt like I was 5 years old. I stood out there in wonderment soaking in the flakes as they fluttered all around. The Locals stared at me with bewilderment until I opened my mouth and spoke. Then they just walked off mumbling, " Those Texas hicks act as if they have never seen snow before."
I have officially been working two days now. It is so awesome!!!! I have never really even remotely liked politics but I am really starting to catch the fever. My cousin John Kline
is running against Coleen Rowley. There is the pic.
I went to see Casanova. Liked it.
Ate some Asparagus ( I've had it before and I decided I still hate it).
Read like crazy.
Went to a Methodist church (new experience for me). Decided I don't like the Hymn "God of the Sparrow, God of the Whale" mainly because there is a line in it that says, "God of the swirling stars." Not sure what to think of bulletins (are church doesn't use them so I haven't seen one in a while). Kind of takes all of the suspense out of church. All in all, it was good though and enjoyed it.
Maybe I will come back with my muscles toned, because of all the shivering I have been doing. I am pretty sure I won't be tan though cause I don't believe in Fake Baking. I love you guys -each and everyone of you.


Quotes of the day:

If you ever go to a dinner party and the conversation takes a turn for the worse the best idea is to help it out. Here is a line that is sure to help.

"So, did you watch Martha Stewart today?"

"Deliverance from sin is not the same as deliverance from human nature. There are things in human nature, such as prejudices, that the saint can only destroy through sheer neglect. But there are other things that have to be destroyed through violence, that is, through God's divine strength imparted by His spirit."
Oswald Chambers

PS: to whom may concern, waiting does not make it any easier.

Gen 39-40 Rom 2

Sunday, January 8, 2006

Several things I have learned this week

1. Move over road rage -snowball rage has the possibility of being deadly up here. (TRUE STORY) Some guy attacked two kids violently with snow balls.
2. Socks are not only warm but a good thing. All this time I thought they were one of the Devil's many vices.
3. The possibilities are endless to what you can change your name to after a sex change. There is one poor individual running around with the name Neither Shehe.
4. The Mall of America is awesome; I say that and I am not even a "mall kind of person".(probably has something to do with I hate large crowds). Hello, it has a roller coaster inside it, and 4 floors.
5. Don't barter with Yankee dimes. It isn't worth it.
6. I have no clue what a Holly Hobbie is.
7. Cat clocks are a home reminding tool. Meow.
8. There are people that have your personality, everywhere.
9. Slather the moisturizer on.
10. 30 is considered a heat wave for January.
11. Getting lost while driving in Minneapolis is a norm.
12. Ice fishing is a sport.
13. Texas is the best state in the whole entire world and I love, love, love, love, love, love it.
14. Iowa is still ugly.

Quotes of the Day

If sinners be damned, at least let them leap to hell over our bodies. If they will perish let them perish with our arms about their knees. Let no one go there UNWARNED and UNPRAYED for.
-Charles Spurgeon

Lord Illingworth: One should never trust a woman who tells one her real age. A woman who would tell one that, would tell one anything.
Mrs. Allonby: She is a Puritan besides--
Lord Illingworth: Ah that is inexcusable. I don't mind plain women being Puritans. It is the only excuse thay have for being plain. But she is decidedly pretty. I admire her immensely.
Mrs. Allonby: What a thoroughly bad man you must be!
Lord Illingworth: What do you call a bad man?
Mrs. Allonby: The sort of man who admires innocence
Lord Illingworth: And a bad woman?
Mrs. Allonby: Oh! the sort of woman a man never get's tired of.

Oscar Wilde A Woman of No Importance

Gen 31-32 Ex 14:14

Friday, January 6, 2006


Oooh honey it's cold outside. Well peoples, I set out to prove that the powdery white stuff that they call snow is a myth. I had this theory that it was a conspiracy these "Up North " people had to make us feel sorry for them. I admit it; I was wrong. There really is snow, it really is cold, and I really do think I will be okay as long as it stays where it is in the 20's and 30's. Can I say really one more time- I really don't know.
Now here is where Abigail's rambling begins. If you can't handle it you better not read any further.
The trip up North was quite eventful. In the middle of nowhere surrounded by shacks the size of outhouses. There was a Hot pink Hummer. I have heard theories that people that drive hummers will/can four-wheel drive them straight into hell. I don't know about all that but I did think it was funny.
We spent the night in Kansas City. Word of advice, don't use any Yankee Candle scents until after you have smelled them or I will strangle you. I don't know which one it was, but that particular smell is about the most rank thing I have ever smelled. This coming from a girl that earned her living mucking stalls and cleaning toilets.
My parents took several "scenic routes" . Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh. It was pretty but it was a little frustrating every now and then when my dad whipped out the GPS and said," I know it is supposed to be that way but lets try this road. My mom was the navigator ( enough said). I love you guys.
There is actually gas stations named Tote a Poke and Sac a Pac in Oklahoma. (Those people are weird).
At one point , we passed a semi and I am pretty sure Kevin Bacon was driving. He really let himself go though, and his hair was shoulder length.
There is a town called Fort Coffee.
The lakes are pretty much frozen over here but not enough that you can drive on them.
Iowa is ugly.
I really am enjoying myself here. Tomorrow we are hosting a dinner party. I have to go but I will fill ya'll in later. Don't you know. Chuck your the best!!!!
Love all of you.


Quotes of the day.

"Skippy, don't hold me back; I just want to dance."
Not at liberty to say

"Prayer and faith fit together like a beautiful symphony of orchestral music. Never underestimate them, for they have altered the course of nature, changed the laws of the universe, and have even influenced and changed the mind of God."
Judy Jacobs

Gen. 29-30 2 Tim 3:1-5