Thursday, August 16, 2007

Rinse and Repeat

It is amazing how much of my "quality" thinking is done in the shower. Seems like every true epiphany that I experience happens somewhere in between applying the conditioning revitalizer and shaving my legs. Truly I can't think of any other place that causes me to come up with solutions to all the worlds problems - as well as my own. Craziness.

As I afore mentioned in my JOSEY WHALES blog (sorry, to those that took offense to my misspelled title). I am taking care of the farm and all who dwell within. Because of this added responsibility, I have suffered various injuries - the worst being to my pride. My dearest pain in the butt brother happened to have the makings of strep throat. (NO, I AM NOT SURE THAT IS HOW IT IS SPELLED). And I was sick of being screamed at (he isn't normally like that but apparently the pain was to intense. pshaw WHATEVER. Finally after putting up with all I could handle I told him to heck with it - we are going to a doctor. I called my mom in Rome and asked her where I should go and then made the necessary arrangements.

Okay, so keep up with me, that part was the boring part but we are about to get to the Abigail being offended to the very core of her Southern Woman Pride.

As we where driving home from the doctor (keep in mind the whole time he was sick- I took care of him, did his chores as well as mine, and cooked him wonderful meals), his boss texts him. One of the days he was at work, I decided to experiment with a vegetable stew. It would have been really wonderful except I went a little excessive and there was one more ingredient in there than I would have liked. Still - all in all... It was decent and my sister apparently liked it because she ate several bowls. But needless to say his boss texts him.... And says.

"I am glad the doctor doesn't think it was serious. You should get your sister to make you a bowl of that favorite soup of yours;)"

He didn't mention to his boss that I had made him steak the night, or his favorite meal the night before that .... NO, He had to tell his boss that I made a soup that sucked.

As soon as I get my camera back I plan on posting some of the happinings that took place while I had the reigns.


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