Friday, August 10, 2007

The outlaw

I refuse to watch to watch the Outlaw Josie Wells one more time. This is what my life has come to... Currently, I am managing two households, 16 cows, two siblings, 8 dogs, one cat, buying shirts for my grandmother, and taking care of my grandfather.

My parents are out of the country and I am stuck in Red River County until their return. My grandmother is in rehab, my mom in Rome, and my dad is in Pakistan.

Okay, so let me try to explain this in a way that sounds semi-understandable. My dad is a engineer and has created a controller for the people he worked with. Pakistan bought it but instead of sending someone to figure out how to work it my dad has to go over there. The catch is my dad doesn't travel without my mother. And she won't wear a berka (sp). So my mom is waiting for him in Rome while touring the city. (Yes, it is hard to forgive my mother for leaving me here but that is what therapy and getting a new passport is for).

My grandmother is in rehab (not for getting over an addiction but for the broken shoulder and foot she too stubbornly won't allow to get well). My grandfather can't do anything on his own so I have been cooking supper for him as well. My grandfather doesn't know a better western than Outlaw Josie Wells and that is all he wants to watch. I have never really had a chance to interact with my grandfather as my grandmother has always interrupted our conversation and so I am learning a lot.

My brother is in the hay business and unfortunately, isn't allowed to drive while my parents are out of town so that means I get to be the lucky person to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to make sure he gets off. But heck, he is paying me so - I can't complain to much (So I saw an opportunity and took it - sue me)

And then there is the baby, my mom's dog who has to have better treatment then her children. I am supposed to watch him and coddle him, and bath him - often. Sadly enough my mom has been trying for weeks to teach him how to roll and last night (when she wasn't there) he rolled twice. I doubt he will do it again, I get the distinct impression he doesn't want to be a trick dog.
All that being said and really and truly no sarcasm involved this week hasn't been all that bad. Crazy, but not bad. And tommorow we are having steak (haha, my mom is always trying to get me to cook and once told me she didn't believe I could [She was just trying to rile me into doing it. I have been cooking since I was eight and can cook everything she can just as good as she can] but I have to say we have been eating like royalty since she has been gone)

Wish me well (I haven't thought about that in forever despite the fact I still wear my watch) ,


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