Monday, August 6, 2007

History Repeating

I now have enough material for my sequel "Porn 2"... (Ross eat your heart out - this one is all about personal experience so DUH it will be biased).

As I have mentioned before, I work at a library and see lots of different people from all walks of life. Nothing prepared me though for what happened the other day. This kind older (60ish) man walked into the library and asked if he could use the internet. He mentioned that he wasn't internet savvy and probably would need some help. Since we have people come in all the time to set up their "My circle" phones that are internet illiterate I really didn't think anything of it and when he asked again - I walked over there to help him.

I noticed as I started to get on the internet he was stammered and his face was blushing RED FLAG!!!! He started off talking about how this was rather embarrassing but he had just met a lady friend. RED FLAG!!!! And he was wondering if I could look up a 1980 playmate. Apparently this new lady in his life had told him that he could look her up on the internet and check out former pictures of her. I just looked at him and kindly said "Ummm NO!!!" "That would be porn". He looked shocked and said "really". And his face turned brighter red. I said "Absolutely".

He milled around the library for a little while longer and then as he was walking out the door looked at me and said "I'm not like that- I didn't know."

I have been asked several times if I thought this man was genuine. I haven't the slightest idea nor do I care.All I do know is - if I posed for playboy i think I would have a spare copy lying around (just a thought). Also if I was going to look up porn I probably would figure out how to do it by myself or at least in the comfort of my own home. AND NEVER EVER would I ask a librarian (much less a girl) to assist me. It was a rather awkward moment for me but what can I say - it isn't the first or the last time (I'm sure) that porn will single me out; )

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