Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The accident

This is a letter to the editor and column that I plan to publish.

When I close my eyes, I still see the scene just as it was that night.

The sixteen year old arm that was as skinny as mine – hanging out of a barely recognizable SUV.

When my parents arrived home deliriously tired around 12:15 a.m. from a business trip, their first question was “How recent was the car wreck down the road?” Replying that it had to have been in the last couple of hours – my dad, brother, and I all piled into the truck to check the damage.

When we arrived on the scene, I didn’t expect survivors. As we drove up, I first thought we were dealing with a pick-up truck. After checking the front seat and the passenger seat – I was relieved to find no bodies. That relief was short lived.

As I shined a flash light around the back of the car, I saw an arm sticking out. My father immediately called 911.

My brother had gone up the road to turn around, and he returned with the SUV’S driver. I spent my time trying to figure out who he was and how many people were involved. Alcohol permeated the air.

By the time I extracted the information from the victim, my brother had found the third person. In shock, this man couldn’t be reasoned with and kept asking “What happened?” I tried to explain to him that I needed him to stay seated until the police arrived but he broke free from me and ran into the woods. Mumbling, “I just need to know what happened”.

I went back to the driver and continued my conversation. He became rather upset I tried to comfort him, and keep him talking. I asked him if he knew Jesus. When he replied he did and moaned about the boy, I told him to pray. He kept saying over and over that he couldn’t think. Everything was muddled.

About this time the paramedics arrived, their quick response amazed me as we live out in the middle of no where.

I spent the rest of the night listening to the Jaws of Life and four- wheelers chasing up and down the road in search of the third man.

Red River County might be dry but it has a serious problem. I can’t tell you how many stories I hear from my friends of a drunk driver affecting their lives and in the same breath talking about the next party they plan on attending.

Nobody is safe from the far reaching affects of drunk driving. It can happen to anyone. Life is short…

In this situation, I think we are all victims -the driver, the family, my family and the paramedics to something that is senseless and should never have happened. How many more innocent lives are never going to get the chance to grow old before we change…

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