Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The accident

This is a letter to the editor and column that I plan to publish.

When I close my eyes, I still see the scene just as it was that night.

The sixteen year old arm that was as skinny as mine – hanging out of a barely recognizable SUV.

When my parents arrived home deliriously tired around 12:15 a.m. from a business trip, their first question was “How recent was the car wreck down the road?” Replying that it had to have been in the last couple of hours – my dad, brother, and I all piled into the truck to check the damage.

When we arrived on the scene, I didn’t expect survivors. As we drove up, I first thought we were dealing with a pick-up truck. After checking the front seat and the passenger seat – I was relieved to find no bodies. That relief was short lived.

As I shined a flash light around the back of the car, I saw an arm sticking out. My father immediately called 911.

My brother had gone up the road to turn around, and he returned with the SUV’S driver. I spent my time trying to figure out who he was and how many people were involved. Alcohol permeated the air.

By the time I extracted the information from the victim, my brother had found the third person. In shock, this man couldn’t be reasoned with and kept asking “What happened?” I tried to explain to him that I needed him to stay seated until the police arrived but he broke free from me and ran into the woods. Mumbling, “I just need to know what happened”.

I went back to the driver and continued my conversation. He became rather upset I tried to comfort him, and keep him talking. I asked him if he knew Jesus. When he replied he did and moaned about the boy, I told him to pray. He kept saying over and over that he couldn’t think. Everything was muddled.

About this time the paramedics arrived, their quick response amazed me as we live out in the middle of no where.

I spent the rest of the night listening to the Jaws of Life and four- wheelers chasing up and down the road in search of the third man.

Red River County might be dry but it has a serious problem. I can’t tell you how many stories I hear from my friends of a drunk driver affecting their lives and in the same breath talking about the next party they plan on attending.

Nobody is safe from the far reaching affects of drunk driving. It can happen to anyone. Life is short…

In this situation, I think we are all victims -the driver, the family, my family and the paramedics to something that is senseless and should never have happened. How many more innocent lives are never going to get the chance to grow old before we change…

Friday, August 17, 2007


I am so ready for my parents to come home and deal with their children.

Last night my brother came into my room with a deranged look, every rather long hair on his head standing on end. Spouting off that he was going to be a composer.

His exact words where, "One time inspiration hit and I spent 9 hours straight composing. I didn't even get up to go the the bathroom choosing instead to urinate all over myself."

Needless to say - I no longer think he is feeling sick...

Meanwhile, my sister was singing at the top of her lungs songs from the Phantom of the Opera.

In sleep he sang to me.
In dreams he came.

Thank goodness, this is the last day. I wasn't all that sane before my parents left - Now I am border-line ready to committed.

What raging fire shall flood the soul
What rich desire unlocks it's door

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime....

I myself, can't wait for their return...

I found this quote and agree with it whole-heartedly.

"My crazy isn't contagious- it is just increasingly difficult to contain."

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The disaster

Fine, so now I am 2 for 10. I suppose this is the part of my blog that I reveal to the world what an utter disaster I made out of supper. Might as well get it over with early. I had lofty plans for lunch today. I was going to cook something I had watched my mom do a million times but had never done myself. Sounds easy enough?

Not so much.

The only thing that made it worse was the look my brother gave me. I am sure by now his boss thinks I am trying to poison the child. But enough about that. I admitted it didn't I? I mean I don't plan on dwelling on the fact that I wasn't able to prove I was a good cook.

Tomorrow, my parents return and order will be restored to the house. No more staying up until 3 o'clock in the morning, watching re-runs of every show known to man, bathing the dog with mom's good shampoo, and drinking all her good coffee.....

NO SIRREE--- there will be structure.

Rinse and Repeat

It is amazing how much of my "quality" thinking is done in the shower. Seems like every true epiphany that I experience happens somewhere in between applying the conditioning revitalizer and shaving my legs. Truly I can't think of any other place that causes me to come up with solutions to all the worlds problems - as well as my own. Craziness.

As I afore mentioned in my JOSEY WHALES blog (sorry, to those that took offense to my misspelled title). I am taking care of the farm and all who dwell within. Because of this added responsibility, I have suffered various injuries - the worst being to my pride. My dearest pain in the butt brother happened to have the makings of strep throat. (NO, I AM NOT SURE THAT IS HOW IT IS SPELLED). And I was sick of being screamed at (he isn't normally like that but apparently the pain was to intense. pshaw WHATEVER. Finally after putting up with all I could handle I told him to heck with it - we are going to a doctor. I called my mom in Rome and asked her where I should go and then made the necessary arrangements.

Okay, so keep up with me, that part was the boring part but we are about to get to the Abigail being offended to the very core of her Southern Woman Pride.

As we where driving home from the doctor (keep in mind the whole time he was sick- I took care of him, did his chores as well as mine, and cooked him wonderful meals), his boss texts him. One of the days he was at work, I decided to experiment with a vegetable stew. It would have been really wonderful except I went a little excessive and there was one more ingredient in there than I would have liked. Still - all in all... It was decent and my sister apparently liked it because she ate several bowls. But needless to say his boss texts him.... And says.

"I am glad the doctor doesn't think it was serious. You should get your sister to make you a bowl of that favorite soup of yours;)"

He didn't mention to his boss that I had made him steak the night, or his favorite meal the night before that .... NO, He had to tell his boss that I made a soup that sucked.

As soon as I get my camera back I plan on posting some of the happinings that took place while I had the reigns.


Friday, August 10, 2007

The outlaw

I refuse to watch to watch the Outlaw Josie Wells one more time. This is what my life has come to... Currently, I am managing two households, 16 cows, two siblings, 8 dogs, one cat, buying shirts for my grandmother, and taking care of my grandfather.

My parents are out of the country and I am stuck in Red River County until their return. My grandmother is in rehab, my mom in Rome, and my dad is in Pakistan.

Okay, so let me try to explain this in a way that sounds semi-understandable. My dad is a engineer and has created a controller for the people he worked with. Pakistan bought it but instead of sending someone to figure out how to work it my dad has to go over there. The catch is my dad doesn't travel without my mother. And she won't wear a berka (sp). So my mom is waiting for him in Rome while touring the city. (Yes, it is hard to forgive my mother for leaving me here but that is what therapy and getting a new passport is for).

My grandmother is in rehab (not for getting over an addiction but for the broken shoulder and foot she too stubbornly won't allow to get well). My grandfather can't do anything on his own so I have been cooking supper for him as well. My grandfather doesn't know a better western than Outlaw Josie Wells and that is all he wants to watch. I have never really had a chance to interact with my grandfather as my grandmother has always interrupted our conversation and so I am learning a lot.

My brother is in the hay business and unfortunately, isn't allowed to drive while my parents are out of town so that means I get to be the lucky person to wake up at 4:30 in the morning to make sure he gets off. But heck, he is paying me so - I can't complain to much (So I saw an opportunity and took it - sue me)

And then there is the baby, my mom's dog who has to have better treatment then her children. I am supposed to watch him and coddle him, and bath him - often. Sadly enough my mom has been trying for weeks to teach him how to roll and last night (when she wasn't there) he rolled twice. I doubt he will do it again, I get the distinct impression he doesn't want to be a trick dog.
All that being said and really and truly no sarcasm involved this week hasn't been all that bad. Crazy, but not bad. And tommorow we are having steak (haha, my mom is always trying to get me to cook and once told me she didn't believe I could [She was just trying to rile me into doing it. I have been cooking since I was eight and can cook everything she can just as good as she can] but I have to say we have been eating like royalty since she has been gone)

Wish me well (I haven't thought about that in forever despite the fact I still wear my watch) ,


Monday, August 6, 2007

History Repeating

I now have enough material for my sequel "Porn 2"... (Ross eat your heart out - this one is all about personal experience so DUH it will be biased).

As I have mentioned before, I work at a library and see lots of different people from all walks of life. Nothing prepared me though for what happened the other day. This kind older (60ish) man walked into the library and asked if he could use the internet. He mentioned that he wasn't internet savvy and probably would need some help. Since we have people come in all the time to set up their "My circle" phones that are internet illiterate I really didn't think anything of it and when he asked again - I walked over there to help him.

I noticed as I started to get on the internet he was stammered and his face was blushing RED FLAG!!!! He started off talking about how this was rather embarrassing but he had just met a lady friend. RED FLAG!!!! And he was wondering if I could look up a 1980 playmate. Apparently this new lady in his life had told him that he could look her up on the internet and check out former pictures of her. I just looked at him and kindly said "Ummm NO!!!" "That would be porn". He looked shocked and said "really". And his face turned brighter red. I said "Absolutely".

He milled around the library for a little while longer and then as he was walking out the door looked at me and said "I'm not like that- I didn't know."

I have been asked several times if I thought this man was genuine. I haven't the slightest idea nor do I care.All I do know is - if I posed for playboy i think I would have a spare copy lying around (just a thought). Also if I was going to look up porn I probably would figure out how to do it by myself or at least in the comfort of my own home. AND NEVER EVER would I ask a librarian (much less a girl) to assist me. It was a rather awkward moment for me but what can I say - it isn't the first or the last time (I'm sure) that porn will single me out; )

Thursday, August 2, 2007

I despise...

For some reason I feel compelled to write a list of things I hate.

1) people that say they care and then prove by their actions that they don't.

2) awkward silences

3) ladders

4) lousy pick up lines

5)snakes, spiders and grasshoppers

6) blow drying my hair

7) the smell of smoke

8) obnoxious slutty people

9) losing my voice

10) umbrellas

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

La neige au Sahara

Dis-moi simplement si tu veux de moi
Quand tu partiras là-bas
Vers ces dunes sèches de sable et de vent
Cet océan jaune et blanc

Perdu dans le désert
Tu es perdu dans le désert

Montre-moi ma place sur ces pierres flammes
Pour que j'oublie les jours d'avant
Pour que je protège ton corps et ton âme
Des mirages que tu attends

Perdu dans le désert

Si la poussière emporte tes rêves de lumière
Je serai ta lune, ton repère
Et si le soleil nous brûle, je prierai qui tu voudras
Pour que tombe la neige au Sahara

Si le désert est le seul remède à tes doutes
Femme de sel, je serai ta route
Et si la soif nous brûle, je prierai tant qu'il faudra
Pour que tombe la neige au Sahara

Dis-moi si je peux couvrir tes épaules
De voiles d'or et d'argent
Quand la nuit fera tourner la boussole
Vers les regrets froids des amants

Perdu dans le désert

Si la poussière emporte tes rêves de lumière
Je serai ta lune, ton repère
Et si le soleil nous brûle, je prierai qui tu voudras
Pour que tombe la neige au Sahara

Si le désert est le seul remède à tes doutes
Femme de sel, je serai ta route
Et si la soif nous brûle, je prierai tant qu'il faudra
Pour que tombe la