Saturday, January 10, 2009


For many years now, God has given my mom a word at the beginning of the year that would sum up what her year would be like. My family has lived through the year of restoration, abandonment and 2009 will be release.

This year, God gave me my own word for the year. He told me this year was going to be a year of Victory. Frankly, I'm excited. In my life, I haven't had much of that. I feel like I have been wandering around the same mountain for years waiting for something to change, for something to happen. Now that time has come. He has promised if I do what I know I am supposed to do, He will bring victory into my life in many areas.

I feel this also applies to things I have prayed for for many years. So this year, I am not giving up. My soul will not be comforted until I have victory. I will pray with new urgency. Not relenting until I see it come to pass. The hour is short and victory is mine.

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