Saturday, November 29, 2008


Lately, several things have happened that most people would deem "setbacks." It hasn't been easy, but I know that they were God ordained. I have been reading this book about Job and have come to several conclusions.

Job was blameless - I am not. I honestly set myself for all of this, and I thank God He has taken an interest. I can't relate to the magnitude of struggles, but I can tell you a story:

One day my mom's favorite dog, Cowboy, was with the gang (At this particular time, we had 8 dogs) of dogs who loved him dearly. They knew Cowboy was mom's baby, and in turn, they never laid a finger on him and all treated him sweetly. Anytime he came out to play, everyone wanted to hang out with him.

One day, Cowboy got attacked by coyotes. All of the sudden, all the dogs who loved him and were his comrades went for his throat. They started tearing Cowboy to shreds at the first sign of blood.

That is where I feel I am at.

*Incidentally, Cowboy is no longer alive as of last week.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Thanksgiving - a time of judgement

Family - they can be the most supportive people in your life, or the most judgmental. My family likes to switch roles. Sometimes they feel the need to inform me that despite the fact that I am only 22, I’m getting old and need to be married and popping out a kid now. I like to think that 22 really isn’t on death’s door. I mean it isn’t like I am over the hill yet or that my womb has died.

Part of this comes from most of my family living in East Texas, where if you are 18 and unmarried you are an old maid, and probably will remain such. My immediate family is very supportive. My mom and dad have always let me do things at my own pace and tried not to interfere. They constantly tell me they are proud of my choices. My other family members however feel the need at Thanksgiving to pinch my cheek, warn me about my fastly encroaching death and warn me to “Get myself a man.”

Is there really anything wrong with being single? What is this plague I wear so boldly? What makes extended family members question my sanity and sexuality because I chose to not couple myself with just any guy. Ever since I was little, my relatives have asked me about my latest boyfriend. Imagine their disappointment every time when my answer was the same as the last - don’t have one… Haven’t met one that was “the one”.

I’m not just going to date for the sake of dating. I am not a lonely miserable person. If someone is going to entice me back on the market, they will have to be pretty special.

I think my relatives should eat more pie. Eating pie makes people happy and keeps them occupied. Pie is the true miracle of the holidays - keeping people quiet, not gossiping and happy.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Pick-up lines

One has to applaud a man who can come up with a unique pick-up line. There is something so absolutely painful about watching a guy use a standard one and having his hopes dashed because of his poor choice. Maybe I am just picky, but I get weirded out if it feels too much like a common everyday pick-up line.

I thought I had heard every one in the book, but the new James Bond movie introduced a new one, “Can you help me find the stationary?” Classy… Yeah right… It was inventive, I suppose, but unless you are Daniel Craig, I just don’t see it working. I have heard many including the standard, “Did it hurt? You know - when you fell from heaven?”, and they typically have the opposite effect of what the guy intended.

In fact, I have made it my mission to come up with anti-pick-up lines. Occasionally a crazy one slips past me to which I have no response. Sometimes creativity gets the better of some people, and they use that one shot with a girl to get straight to their intentions. I have even had one guy ask me “You look different. Did you get laid? Did you want to?” Way to tell a girl up front what’s on your mind.

Yes, there really is no point to this blog, other than to say - if you plan on using a pick-up line anytime soon. Think it through and be creative. And warn your friends…

I guess all this stems from the fact that I am completely not interested in dating and that always seems to be the exact moment many become interested in asking. I don’t know how I can put the “no vacancy” sign any clearer on my forehead. I’m happy being single, and I intend to stay this way for a while.

Monday, November 17, 2008

The perks

Since the last blog was about what guys do wrong, I feel the need to be fair and say what they do right:

1) Guys are loyal. For the most part, guy friends are huge gossipers. They don’t feel the need to tell that juicy bit of news to their guy friends. Granted there are exceptions to every rule, but most guys aren’t as back stabbing as girls.

2) Guys don’t nag for info: When a guy sees I am upset, he typically asks whats wrong and if I don’t want to talk about it - he doesn’t press me. Instead, he tries to do things that take my mind of my problems. Girls, on the other hand, want to know what is going on and will say anything to drag it out of a person.

3) Guys don’t typically sit down and cry about it: Now while there is nothing wrong with a man who cries, they are known for not being as emotional as females. I find that a plus in EVERY way. I typically relate better to guys and enjoy the non drama relationships.

4) They aren’t petty. Guys normally don’t hold grudges for long periods of time.