Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I wonder if our mouse is Russian...

I wonder if our mouse is Russian?

Okay, I can't hold it in any longer... Bear with the insanity.... I am forewarning you now - each new paragraph is a completely separate thought.

Today was a 100% Cotten day. It was my advisor Mrs Cotten's birthday. Thanks to the genius of Dustyn, we bought t-shirts that said 100% Cotten on the front and TC News staff on the back.

At least one of my lab partners should never be allowed to dissect a male fetal pig alone. In a slice-happy moment she as she said, "bobbed" him. Poor Wilbur - I still think of him as a man. Makes me wonder if there is underlying male problems in the group. Why the hatred? JK

Was just watching Inside Edition - there is a Their line is, "We are a Sugar Daddy Matchmaking Service with the goal to bring together successful, rich men [Sugar Daddy] and attractive women who love to be pampered, spoiled and supported." Not sure how I feel about that. I mean on one hand I think it is hysterical that there are people stupid enough to participate, but on the other hand - EWWWWWW. I know people that could eventually end up on that site. SCARY! Oh, the educational experience Inside Edition provides! I can't handle all the smarts I get from TV.

My roommate and I have recently experienced some mouse problems. Anyone who knows us, knows we feed off each others cleanliness. We are almost anal about it. Anttyway, I came home last week after dog sitting for a week and a half to find mouse droppings in my bed. We have since put out sticky traps and are expecting to hear a death squeal anytime now (either from me or the mouse). I might lose every bit of my vocal cords if that fuzzy Fievel runs across my face.

College is stifling my imagination. I don't have the time to write and I HATE it. I am spending so much time writing papers and for the paper that I don't have time to express those deep dark mouse killing thoughts.

I can't remember the difference between interstitial and intrastitial for the life of me.

Now that I got all that out, I have to go study for a Anatomy and Physiology test. I feel better even though it is no where near my normal post. haha

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