Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fievel Update

After a lengthy courtship... Fievel proposed, only to stand me up at the alter. Apparently my taste for short has run over to mice- asFievel can travel between the threshold of our dorm room door which is less than an inch tall. My precious Fievel is lacking in self confidence and that makes him unique as most handsome guys are arrogant and conceited.

Tonight, I was sitting in bed studying my boring, mundane A&P when I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye scamper across the floor.Convenced that it was nothing, I got up to check our mouse traps only to find that Fievel had flirted with the one under DeAnna's bed. Still not sure if my precious Fievel was in the room, I got into bed only to look down to see two beedy eyes looking up at me. At that point we both scared each other and he ran out of the room. Something must have scared him in the hall because he ran right back in . So now I am waiting for him to decide to go out again so I can plug the threshold with a towel. Thus ending our engagement.

Sad, because he was so cute. At least it was real while it lasted.

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