Friday, June 1, 2007

Are you going to run away?

I guess I have never thought of you as being a coward.
And yet… You are running away. You know the truth, and you would rather choose the miserable life you have then choose Him. You will NEVER be happy. The things of this world will NEVER satisfy you. You have been marked – better for you that you never said the sinners’ prayer, because in doing so you gave him your life to do what He wills. He will NOT leave you alone. It will only get worse (He will do whatever it takes to get you in the place he wants you). SURRENDER…

Don’t Walk Away
And when I look into your eyes, I see the hurt and the confusion. The pain as it rolls down your face. And the questions in your mind And I know, 'cause I've been there Yes, I know, 'cause I've been there, time and time again And don't you walk, don't you walk away'Cause He will never desert you. He'll never let you down. Don't walk away from Him, no, no, no, no, no You're always telling me that you don't need to change. That you're fine with who you are. When I look at you, I see you filling your life with all that you can findHoping and wishing this world can bring you. A little peace of mind. Well, stop looking, 'cause He's right in front of your eyes'Cause He will never give up on you today. No, don't walk away'Cause He'll NEVER let you goNo, no, no, no Don't walk awayDon't walk away'Cause He'll never let you go todayDon't walk away from Him

~Shawn McDonald

“Why is everyone saying it is not the right time for rebuilding my temple,” asks the Lord. “Is it then the right time for you to live in luxurious homes, when the Temple lies in ruins? Look at the result:”

“You have sown much and bring in little;
You eat, but so not have enough;
You drink, but you are not filled;
You clothe yourselves but no one is warm;
And your income disappears as if you where putting it in a pocket full of holes.”

“Think it over,” says the Lord. “Consider how you have acted and what has happened as a result. Then go up into the mountains and bring down timber, and rebuild my temple, and I will be pleased with it and appear there in my glory. You hope for much and get so little. And when you bring it home, I blow it away – it doesn’t last at all. Why? Because my Temple lies in ruins and you don’t care. Your only concern is your own fine homes. That is why I am holding back….. and everything you have worked so hard to get is ruined.”

Haggai 1:2-11

Come Higher

Everything you see- you can have

Come Higher

It is all within your grasp

Come Higher

Fame and Fortune

Come Higher

The choice is yours

Come Higher

Just don't be deceived

Come Higher

Know exactly what you are getting yourself into

Come Higher

When I say you can have it all - I mean ALL

Come Higher

Divorce, Bankruptcy, No Peace, Torment, Despair,

Come Higher

Life is full of choices

Come Higher

You can chose everything and wind up with a mediocre life at best

Come Higher

Or you can surrender, come higher, and find life

rocks won't cry
by shane barnard

i bow down, tonight i know
the rocks won't cry, the rocks won't cry
they'll be alright, they'll be alright
because i cry!

***If you think that this blog is written about you – please believe me it isn’t. Any resemblance to a person is purely coincidental. In fact, it is something I just went through and dealt with.
Your so Vain You probably think this blog is about you

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