Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Jealous Boyfriend

For some reason "creepy" wears a mask and follows me. Yesturday, I was dropping off some movies and doing an errand for a little old lady (whom I had never met before) when this around 60 year old gentleman came up to me and asked me if I was going to the lake (okay, I will admit - I have seen hookers dressed better than I was. I was planning on helping my parents that day and so was wearing next to nothing... It was a sad sight and not one I aim to ever repeat).

After explaining to him that I planned to help my parents he asked me if I had a job and if I would be willing to work for him. He wanted me to "sit" for his mother who was about to be released from the hospital.

I had a couple more errands to run and so I handed him my cell phone number and left (after all it seemed strange and almost divine that - I needed a job and someone would walk right up to me and offer me one... Keep in mind though that no one should have even thought about hiring me with what I was wearing).

A little while later he called and started asking me questions - they seemed the normal run of the mill questions until he asked me if I had a jealous boyfriend (Pray tell, if any of you can explain that reasonably - please do). What does that have to do with sitting for your mother????????

Needless to say - I shall not be taking that job.

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