Thursday, May 24, 2007

Swimmers Beware

It is official - I hate swimming. I don't dislike being in the water or even treading water, but I absolutely hate swimming laps.

Last weekend I had to renew my lifeguard cert. And instead of letting me take the challenge like they normally do, they made me go through the entire course (because supposedly they changed everything). Including the pretest - in which I had to swim many laps. This wouldn't be so hard except I haven't excercised in forever and have spent the last couple of semesters behind a desk. Yes, I have gained weight - over 10 pounds and gaining (Speaking of which I probably need to cut back on the ice cream *mental note*).

I am sorry but it takes a certain kind of person to be a lifeguard and for some reason I don't understand why... I seem to end up being one of the very few brunettes (almost the only one) and acquire my tan naturally enrolled. It is strange spending a couple of days with these such girls. A very enlightening experience indeed! Getting hit on by 16 year olds is also a "fun" experience that I haven't had in a while.

I spent 5 days in a row being tortured in this renewal of my certificate. On Saturday and Sunday I was there from 8 to 8. I am burned to a crisp and quite tired of water.

The rest of my week has been filled with such frivolities as cleaning my room and car and cooking dinner for the fam. Can't wait till work starts.


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