Friday, March 9, 2007


I was cleaning out my files on my computer and I found this old article I wrote for the TC News in the spring of 2005. Seeing as Easter is right around the corner, I thought it was appropriate:

From the time I was born, God has had His hand on my life. I was born with an incurable and potentially fatal blood disease called Idiopathic Trombocytopenic Purpura, a.k.a. ITP. My body could not make enough platelets (cells in the blood that help the blood clot).

When I was two months old my parents started noticing that every time they touched me a bruise would appear. The children's hospital where I went for treatment told my mother that I was the youngest person they had ever seen with ITP. A normal platelet count is around 250 thousand. Mine hovered at around 14 thousand.

My distressed mother went home and prayed. She distinctly heard God say, "She will be healed". My mother clung to that word for seven months during every kind of test and problem. At one point my white blood cell count started showing signs of abnormality as well.

When I was nine months old the doctors told my mother that if my platelet count ever dropped below 10 thousand, they where going to have to put me on steroids. Because the first year is the most crucial year of a baby's development, the doctors wanted to avoid this at all costs.

At church one night a lady came up to my mom, laid her hands on me, and prayed a simple prayer of healing. A couple of days later, when my mom went back to the doctor, he came into the waiting room scratching his head. My platelet count was 300 thousand and my white blood cell count was normal.

I have been completely healed to this day.

God has done a lot for me. He is constantly working miracles in my life. Lately He has been dealing with me about the power of prayer. Most of the time, I send up a prayer and wonder if He really checks His messages or not, then later the problem has either been solved or He gives me the knowledge of how to fix it.

God has recently had me praying for miracles. I have been praying everyday for the salvation of several of my friends and for two people who have been diagnosed with incurable illnesses to be completely healed.

Jesus literally died so he could have a relationship with you. He wants to save your friends as much as you want them to be saved. Hell is real and there are people you know going there.
This Easter season, I encourage you to pray and ask for miracles. God is a God of the impossible as demonstrated in my life and the many people of faith portrayed in the Bible. God is no respecter of persons, what he does for one he will do for all. Fight for those you love, don't let them be swallowed up by darkness. The battle can only be won on your knees.


Dang, I was young when I wrote this.... haha.. I still believe everthing I said - now I just happen to know a lot more that goes with it. God still is the God of miracles. And believe me, I haven't been praying day and night for years not to see some changes.

To all the people that surround me:

I love you guys. Ya'll are all wonderful and I daily keep you in my prayers. I just hope that my shortcomings haven't hurt you in any way. I don't claim to be perfect and so if that is how I come off as trying to rub in your face - I am sorry. When it comes down to it that isn't what I am about.


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