Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Valentine Special

My mom told me this hilarious story so I thought I would take a few seconds to jot it down. This post will lack my usual long windedness, but if you are too disappointed I will write a longer one later on an equally fascinating subject.

Today my mom took our dog, Gracie, to have "girl" surgery. Gracie is a stray mutt that wandered up to our house and wouldn't leave. She is a relatively young and annoying( the fact that she is annoying has nothing to do with the story and is the personal opinion of the writer. I thought I would throw it in for background purposes) dog. -Being a firm Ed McMan supporter.*snicker* Yeah right. - We decided there would be no ugly puppies running around for Gracie.

Today they had a Valentine Special going on at the vet, and my mom dropped her off. Later today when she picked her up she noticed that the dog looked like it had been filayed open. The vet told her they had to do "exploratory surgery" because they couldn't find any ovaries.

Furthermore, they said that not only that, but she actually used to have them! She had been spayed before. Which is kinda funny because she didn't even have a scar!!!!

I am convinced this kind of thing only happens to the Howletts. I would say pray for her because she has a long row to hoe, but she really is obnoxious, and I am sorry, but I do not like her.

I know it seems cruel, but it is kind of a permanent initiation into the Howlett mutinent pet club. Now we have a alien dog to go with the retard dog , bed wetter dog, and the three amazingly obese dogs.

A couple of weeks ago, I posted that the old Abigail is back. To update that, she is still going strong, and as they say up here she has learned to, "Put her big girl panties on and get over it." I love ya'll.


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