Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Cynical Single

Thank goodness February is a short month. I don't think I could handle the dark, cold, nasty weather for much longer than 28 days. The whole "Valentine" thing is not much of a saving grace for this month. I think someone just decided -Well this month is so horrible, lets throw in a holiday. It is just one crappy month, especially up here. But don't get me wrong - Chocolate fixes everything.

Yesterday was Leticia's birthday. She turned ____. I like living ,so 25. Yea, she turned 25. She received little gifts all throughout the day- flowers, cookies, cake, and a book.

I spent some time this week at the Minnesota DMV. I have decided that if I wasn't going to ever come home that convinced me - I do not want a Minnesota Driver's License. They actually have to take a drivers test.. I was sitting in the waiting room with the "parents" of the poor teens about to take the driving test, while Leticia was taking her written test (that was the only test she had to take seeing as she already had a Nebraska license). The mothers were going hysteric."Mary is sooo nervous", "Susy has never backed up at an 90 degree angle", "John has never driven a truck before, I know he is nervous. He will never make it" ,and my personal favorite a husband was watching his wife taking the drivers test and as she backed into the flag said "Oh man, she's toast." If that isn't support - I don't know what is..

My back is out, so me and the heating pad are becoming fast friends. I am looking forward to tomorrow when my "family" gets back. They have been gone for a week and I miss them. The place is awfully quiet without them. Yes, I do talk to myself, but it is not the same. I tried to answer back but that just felt stupid. hehehe. Me crazy? AS IF.

No church for me tomorrow either. I do not have the guts to go to their church without them. My mom told me to go find a black church, but I don't think they exist around here. After all only 2 percent of Minnesota is not white. If I could find one though, I would be there in a heartbeat. I am almost convinced that God does not live in Minnesota, and I am more than happy to be proven wrong any way I can. All I know is that I have decided if he lives in me - that is enough.

Though you can't tell in this picture. My nails are really long and pretty and I am really proud of them. So there!

This is my office before I cleaned it. Sorry the pictures are so bad, so get over it. I am planning on taking another picture soon.

This requires no comment. It is just plain funny/stupid. I am talking to Elizabeth, comfortably wearing my Jan Kay Hat. (I never feel quite as relaxed as I do when I am wearing it)


Quote of the Day:

"I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience"

- Shakespeare

PS because hardly anyone commented on my last post, my only thoughts are that PETA has been called.

Lev. 13-14 Mat. 13-14

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