Monday, April 18, 2011


So Staples has leopard print duct tape. Having recently started liking the "wild-side look", even I started questioning what one would do with leopard duct tape. I'm pretty creative, but I can see that coming to no good. Next episode of CSI - serial killer Bobby's signature becomes tying up his "exotic" woman with leopard duct tape.

My friend Mellie would be proud of me- In an instant I transformed into a shallow little girl excited over the possibilities of what one could do with this new medium. Unfortunately, my mistake was to allow this transformation to take place in front of a sales associate and my husband. Not that I mind showing from time to time, I can be shallow, but showing weakness can be like blood in the water for sharks.

The sales associate was well schooled in the ways of this tape, and had many rolls of a similar pattern to cover a care package to his friend in Iraq. Apparently because it had so much tape on it, the guy ruined his battle knife opening this package. Anyone reading this - say a little prayer for this guy - might need it. After about four more stories, my penance for weakness was over and I was allowed to leave (Actually, he was pretty cool and some of those four stories were pretty funny)

Right now all I can think of several things I'd love to do with leopard print duct tape including:

1) Duct tape my neighbors trash can lid closed. Even as I am writing this blog, I can't handle the constant banging. All day long it constantly thuds. He never puts his trashcans up, and my town is notorious for being really windy. - Not to mention it would be a fun prank.

2) Duct tape the construction site next to my house (Okay so maybe there is a pattern here as I am not exactly happy they are building next to my house and messing up my yard).

3) Pick random folders my husband has to take to work and cover them in said duct tape. Nothing says manly like leopard.

4) Fix a pair of shoes with the tape (Ghetto fabulous - I think yes).

5) Randomly have some around for the next time someone asks me for some tape. Scotch Tape - sure here you go....

1 comment:

Mellie said...

I have heard of this magical tape. I plan on using it during my next move. Zebra print anything is awesome even snuggies.