Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Are You going to perform Your word?

During worship the other day, I asked God for a "throne room" experience. I have heard so many different accounts, I wanted to see it for myself. I have asked Him before, but never saw any results.

With eyes closed begging God, all of the sudden I was there. In front of me was two thrones and God and the Lamb were seated, I could not make out anything other than forms and shapes because I had what appeared to be a dark veil on my head. It looked like a stone castle. I knew the Holy Spirit was standing beside me. Everything was grey. Lining the walls of the throne room were these strange creatures with many eyes. I can't really describe how crazy they looked except to say they almost looked fake. I could tell their mouths were moving, but I heard no music or sound. All I could hear was the song of worship in my heart toward the Lord.

In that instant I knew I could ask God anything. I knew He would answer any question I had, but I only had one burning question. The question seared my soul, "Are You going to perform Your word?" I need to know that my life is not in vain - that everything I believe is true. That there is power in those words. That I am not living my life according to an empty gospel. Too many people live their life without ever experiencing the power and authority of the Bible.

When I pray I want to see God's word come true. I want to see the power of God manifested and His name lifted high. That is my one desire. It was why I was created. I was created to know Him.

God answered me, " I will perform EVERY word. In fact, you can pick any word in the Bible and if you believe for it - it will be yours. My word does not lie. I have to perform it. Believe for it and it will be yours."

I was floored. Anything I needed- is mine. Healing, deliverance, prosperity, deeper relationship with Him - all at my fingertips - All I had to do was find my scriptures and start believing. To stand and when all else fails - keep standing.

Feeling bold, I asked Him why I had to wear the veil. At this point, I wanted to see Him in all His glory -to behold the beauty of the King. He told me I couldn't handle the sight and barely let my veil shift - a sharp intense ray of light pierced my eyes and left me blind for a couple of seconds.

Yes, eternity is going to be awesome.

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