Wednesday, November 25, 2009

James Bond

Okay, so maybe I have a problem. To comfort myself when my husband is gone, I have surrounded myself with many eyes. Bunnies, dolphins, snowmen - all in various shapes, sizes and textures give me that added sense of not being alone - at least until the lights go off. Then they peer through devilish eyes waiting to seize my soul.

I have always been the kind of person who wants to be alone on my own terms. I love being alone, but only when I decide that's the way I want it. Unfortunately, with my husband's job I don't get to chose these said times.

Our house is big and makes a lot of weird noises during the night. There is no knight in shining armor, no James Bond to rescue a damsel in distress... Only me and the killer bunnies. Monty Python has nothing on us.

I guess what I am trying to warn anyone visiting my house, if you see a bunny tail facing out - he's not in time out. I am just not allowing him to steal my soul. Not on my watch.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is why i never like dolls. you need a puppy.