Sunday, November 11, 2007

Fievel Update

After a lengthy courtship... Fievel proposed, only to stand me up at the alter. Apparently my taste for short has run over to mice- asFievel can travel between the threshold of our dorm room door which is less than an inch tall. My precious Fievel is lacking in self confidence and that makes him unique as most handsome guys are arrogant and conceited.

Tonight, I was sitting in bed studying my boring, mundane A&P when I thought I saw something out of the corner of my eye scamper across the floor.Convenced that it was nothing, I got up to check our mouse traps only to find that Fievel had flirted with the one under DeAnna's bed. Still not sure if my precious Fievel was in the room, I got into bed only to look down to see two beedy eyes looking up at me. At that point we both scared each other and he ran out of the room. Something must have scared him in the hall because he ran right back in . So now I am waiting for him to decide to go out again so I can plug the threshold with a towel. Thus ending our engagement.

Sad, because he was so cute. At least it was real while it lasted.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I wonder if our mouse is Russian...

I wonder if our mouse is Russian?

Okay, I can't hold it in any longer... Bear with the insanity.... I am forewarning you now - each new paragraph is a completely separate thought.

Today was a 100% Cotten day. It was my advisor Mrs Cotten's birthday. Thanks to the genius of Dustyn, we bought t-shirts that said 100% Cotten on the front and TC News staff on the back.

At least one of my lab partners should never be allowed to dissect a male fetal pig alone. In a slice-happy moment she as she said, "bobbed" him. Poor Wilbur - I still think of him as a man. Makes me wonder if there is underlying male problems in the group. Why the hatred? JK

Was just watching Inside Edition - there is a Their line is, "We are a Sugar Daddy Matchmaking Service with the goal to bring together successful, rich men [Sugar Daddy] and attractive women who love to be pampered, spoiled and supported." Not sure how I feel about that. I mean on one hand I think it is hysterical that there are people stupid enough to participate, but on the other hand - EWWWWWW. I know people that could eventually end up on that site. SCARY! Oh, the educational experience Inside Edition provides! I can't handle all the smarts I get from TV.

My roommate and I have recently experienced some mouse problems. Anyone who knows us, knows we feed off each others cleanliness. We are almost anal about it. Anttyway, I came home last week after dog sitting for a week and a half to find mouse droppings in my bed. We have since put out sticky traps and are expecting to hear a death squeal anytime now (either from me or the mouse). I might lose every bit of my vocal cords if that fuzzy Fievel runs across my face.

College is stifling my imagination. I don't have the time to write and I HATE it. I am spending so much time writing papers and for the paper that I don't have time to express those deep dark mouse killing thoughts.

I can't remember the difference between interstitial and intrastitial for the life of me.

Now that I got all that out, I have to go study for a Anatomy and Physiology test. I feel better even though it is no where near my normal post. haha