Monday, July 16, 2007


There He was..... leaning against a wall. Never before had I described a guy as beautiful - but He was. Everything about Him seemed perfect.

I had just walked into a room filled with people. Noticing His gaze, I was captivated. I couldn't help but constantly sneak a look at Him. Oddly enough, He seemed to be watching me. He never took His eyes off of me. I felt curious, not creeped out. There was something about His eyes I couldn't quite understand.

I looked again, and it dawned on me. He was in love. Shocked, I drew back. Surely not, but as I looked again, I knew it was true. He was in love with me. I barely knew Him and yet.... The look in His eyes potrayed a man that was completely and hopelessly in love. All this passion was focused on me alone. The room went silent and He and I where the only two people.

I have never been perfect and yet even though He knew this - He still loved me. I was human and would fail Him once a day and twice on Sunday and He DIDN'T CARE...

I knew in my heart this person would die for me - because He had already....


Anonymous said...

Like I said before... you're lucky.

Beautiful read by the way.

Anonymous said...

Gaily... this is so beautiful. ~ N