Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Jealous Boyfriend

For some reason "creepy" wears a mask and follows me. Yesturday, I was dropping off some movies and doing an errand for a little old lady (whom I had never met before) when this around 60 year old gentleman came up to me and asked me if I was going to the lake (okay, I will admit - I have seen hookers dressed better than I was. I was planning on helping my parents that day and so was wearing next to nothing... It was a sad sight and not one I aim to ever repeat).

After explaining to him that I planned to help my parents he asked me if I had a job and if I would be willing to work for him. He wanted me to "sit" for his mother who was about to be released from the hospital.

I had a couple more errands to run and so I handed him my cell phone number and left (after all it seemed strange and almost divine that - I needed a job and someone would walk right up to me and offer me one... Keep in mind though that no one should have even thought about hiring me with what I was wearing).

A little while later he called and started asking me questions - they seemed the normal run of the mill questions until he asked me if I had a jealous boyfriend (Pray tell, if any of you can explain that reasonably - please do). What does that have to do with sitting for your mother????????

Needless to say - I shall not be taking that job.

Monday, May 28, 2007


Things I have learned (or re-learned) thus far this year:

1) The heart has it's reasons which reason knows nothing of.

2) I understand the Phantom of the Opera and Sense and Sensability that much more.

3)When traveling - the less I know the better (aka- accountability sucks)

4) The definition of hypothermia is better learnt from a book

5) Blood tastes nasty

6)The only way to deal with pompousness is to give it a stout kick in the behind.

7) The term "friend" is apparently often misused

8)Chillbumps and mosquitoes don't co-exist

9) No more props for Abby

10) Stupidity can always be one-upped

11) On "Jonah" days it is best to keep to one's bed

12)White skirts and colorful undies do not go together... Unless one plans on REALLY making a statement.

13) Ice Cream still fixes everything

14) Sleep is essential for survival (who would have known?)

15) Wierd things happen on a 24 hour road-trip. Wierd unspeakable things. (I just might need counseling )

16) Boys are noxious

17) Soft hands are a commodity - and not to be taken lightly... Even when drunk, one should appreciate them. (Let me clarify that I wasn't the drunk one)

18) There really are people that use stupid pick-up-lines.

19) Ultimate is fun... ; )

20) Human Being and Human Doing are two different things.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Swimmers Beware

It is official - I hate swimming. I don't dislike being in the water or even treading water, but I absolutely hate swimming laps.

Last weekend I had to renew my lifeguard cert. And instead of letting me take the challenge like they normally do, they made me go through the entire course (because supposedly they changed everything). Including the pretest - in which I had to swim many laps. This wouldn't be so hard except I haven't excercised in forever and have spent the last couple of semesters behind a desk. Yes, I have gained weight - over 10 pounds and gaining (Speaking of which I probably need to cut back on the ice cream *mental note*).

I am sorry but it takes a certain kind of person to be a lifeguard and for some reason I don't understand why... I seem to end up being one of the very few brunettes (almost the only one) and acquire my tan naturally enrolled. It is strange spending a couple of days with these such girls. A very enlightening experience indeed! Getting hit on by 16 year olds is also a "fun" experience that I haven't had in a while.

I spent 5 days in a row being tortured in this renewal of my certificate. On Saturday and Sunday I was there from 8 to 8. I am burned to a crisp and quite tired of water.

The rest of my week has been filled with such frivolities as cleaning my room and car and cooking dinner for the fam. Can't wait till work starts.


Thursday, May 17, 2007


A long time ago in a far off place, my mom used to have a cat named Gracie. Gracie was a wonderful, beautiful, amazing cat - except for the fact that she was always up in other people's bizness(inside joke). Gracie was a firm believer in cleaning everyone else's butt, but when it came to her own it was sadly left neglected. Thus making the holding experince of Gracie less than pleasant.

My point to this narrative is I have known how to wipe my butt since I was little... I appreciate the concern. Don't get me wrong - constructive critisicm is acceptable but trying to run my life - as always, will not work.