Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Getting the beat down - fiery fighting...

"I do not fight like a man beating the air." (Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:26)

Fighting is one of my strong suits - just ask my husband or any man on the other end of the fury (not anger- I specialize in calculated yet somewhat harsh take downs). So why am I so passive when it comes to my beliefs and knowledge of the Bible. The Bible says as clear as day that everything in the Bible relates to me (He is no respecter of persons. What He does for one person - He will do for another). Healing, deliverance, gifts and prophecy- all apply to me. So why haven't I claimed them?

I recently read a book which describes the Bible as being a living will and testament of Jesus. In order for a will to be valid, someone has to die. Because Jesus died, everything in the will (Bible) applies to me.

Lately, I have been pursing healing. Not completely on a personal level, but for several people around me who are in desperate need. I want to understand what it takes for God to heal someone completely. As I have studied and read my Bible, I have concluded it really is a faith issue.

Do you really believe everything the Bible says is true?

The average Christian lives a life of mediocrity and sadly, sickness because they don't claim the benefits of the will. I for one don't want to be one of those people. One of my greatest desires is to see God touch people. I want to see Him heal the sick, raise the dead and deliver people. The more I delve into this aspect of Him, the more fascinated I am by His glory. I have found that my faith is being built, and I am seeing miracles come about. Just last week, I laid hands on my husband and God healed him TWICE!!!! (Of two separate things).

I have started questioning why I behave the way I do. Why, when someone who is close to me says they are sick that I don't lay hands on them. Why I continue to see things in the natural despite knowing that God's Kingdom goes against everything the world says. I am coming to a point that I want to be done with those things. I refuse to just take people's sickness and eventual death as "Sigh, I wish there was something that can be done, but there just isn't." Either the Bible is true or it isn't. Salvation and Healing go hand in hand. Read the New Testament - it's all there. Over and over, He sent out His apostles to preach and heal.

Also, while I am on the subject. I need to stop cursing myself. My words are powerful. Whatever I say will come into being. I need to stop talking about cancer as if it is a death sentence - God has authority over everything. I will stop claiming sickness. I will start claiming healing. I am not going to even allude to the fact that I could possibly get sick from certain diseases in my personal daily conversations. I'm not going to give the devil a foot in the door anymore.

Mind you, this all is a fight. We wrestle not with flesh and blood, but principalities and darkness. This is the Year of War* for me, and I have to say - the Fight has just begun.

I encourage those who read my blog to not settle. If there is something wrong with your body, let the Creator fix it. He made provision for you in His will. Your medical bills are covered. I highly suggest you read these following books.

Recommended Reading:
-The Bible (I know it should go without saying, but healing comes through faith and faith comes from reading the Word. Faith is built through reading the Word until it permeates your being and causes faith to rise up that what is written is absolute truth)
-How to Heal the Sick by Charles and Francis Hunter
-They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince

*At the beginning of the year, I always ask the Lord what the word of the year is for me. This year instead of fun, fluffy words like hope, love or victory, He told me it was the Year of War. December it may be, but I am just now getting a feel for what it means to be in the trenches. I feel this entire year was boot camp for the now. The Fire is growing, the Fight has started - Are you ready?

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