Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Shrinking Head Potion

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure."
Mark Twain

"I like life. It's something to do."
Ronnie Shakes

I have to think most people are bland and live mundane lives they have carved out for themselves. Their normalcy and decision to strive only to fit in with society keeps them from living extrodanairy lives. Occasionally, I stumble upon a person who makes my life entirely worth living, a person whose quirkiness makes me appreciate my last breath. Sometimes I can even pick them out of a crowd. It might be an obviously straight guy who carries a girly bag, or a girl who likes to share way too much personal information in class.

Being able to appreciate people and their quirkiness, happens to be one of the things that keeps me happy. Lately, I thought I had lost that. But today, I found it again. And believe me, it is not something I want to give up. Life is too short not to be happy. Not to look it straight in the eyes and laugh. I don't ever want to be the person that answers "nothing much" when asked what I was up to. Everyone has a story to tell.

Probably if I learned anything from my Great Grandmother besides wanting to be exactly like her, I learned about making my small part of life as pleasant as I could by choosing to be happy. She had a small framed picture of this hideous orange flower surrounded by the words "Bloom where you are planted." And that is exactly what she did everyday. Despite the pain she endured, despite the anger of the teenage girl that lived with her, despite all of her circumstances - she woke up happy, put on her lipstick, talked to the birds outside her window and kept smiling the whole day long.

Everything could be fixed with either a cup of coffee and a chat or a coat of glitter.

I thoroughly enjoyed today.

Here are some recent humorous topics/happenings this week in short:

"If he shaved his head, he'd have AIDS."

The rebuttal:

"There are certain topics that are off-limits to comedians, JFK, AIDS, the Holocaust. The Lincoln Assassination just recently became funny. "I need to see this play like I need a hole in the head." [laughs] And I hope to someday live in a world where a person could tell a hilarious AIDS joke. It's one of my dreams." The Office

Thing 1
Thing 2
Rising Star
Mr. Priss

"Have you ever wondered if there is a such thing as a shrinking head potion? I mean what about people with small heads."

"That's freakish"

Riding the pony.

Boy Craziness

"Bros before hos. Why? Because your bros are always there for you. They have got your back after your ho rips your heart out for no good reason. And you were nothing but great to your ho and you told her she was the only ho for you. And that she was better than all the other hos in the world. And then ... and then suddenly she's not yo' ho no mo'." The Office

Chipotle Date.

Serial Killer Handwriting.

"I guess I need to watch more Criminal Minds so I can profile if he's the kind of serial killer that you need to be good friends with because he doesn't know his victims or run away from."


Anonymous said...

i have a new acct on here again! woo!

(missing gaily)


Cassie said...

time to update ... ;)