Thursday, January 3, 2008

2008 the Year of the Ice cream Binge

It is 2008 and I am rebelling against the whole system of New Years Resolutions. It seems such a stupid idea. If I decide on a couple then, I will ineveitably fail at something I should be doing anyways, and then spend a week moping because I am such a loser. I have decided that I really dont' have a week to spend eating ice cream out of the carton and watching "I love Lucy" reruns so i am going to choose abby-stinance (Thank you Braden) and refrain from resolving to make my life better.

On the other hand (Warning - though this next sentence sounds conveniently like a New Years Resolution. I will have you know, It is by NO means one.), I have made up my mind (hmmmm, that seems to be another phrase for "I resolve") that I plan on getting back into shape. It is completely pitiful that if a mass murderer was chasing me with a sledge hammer, I would have to lay down and look pleadingly into his eyes all the while my mind screaming, "This is the best you can do. You deserve to die."

So I do plan on getting back in shape. And I plan on eating healthier also. Not that is a resolution either, it just happens to go hand in hand with working out. One is pointless without the other.

I also vow to cut back on the OHMYGOSH's... But that is stricly for Ross' sake. I am sure he doesn't thinks I can.

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