Monday, September 10, 2007

Tall girls don't sweat the short stuff

Column for the TC News:

Just so we are straight, I don’t believe that men are beneath me—they just are.
Most of my guy friends are shorter than me, but then again, I am 5’11”.
It would probably go over better if I dressed differently, but I actually have more high heels in my closet than I own socks.
When you are as tall as I am, it is physically impossible to have size 6 feet; and any size bigger looks like two pontoons sticking out from underneath my jeans.
Dating a shorter guy is also quite interesting. A friend once told me that guys are really only insecure about three things: their hair, height and I will leave the third for your imagination.
So far, I have found this statement to be true. I mean think about it – if you comment about a guy’s beer gut, typically he just shrugs it off; but if you say anything about his hair, a look of horror will cross his face as he runs to the nearest mirror. There is no greater insult than talking about “the hair”.
Shorter guys make for amusing “romantic” situations. One has to ask the question “To sit? or Not to sit?” for some of the oddest things. Taking pictures, dancing and deep, heartfelt, eye to eye conversations present monumental challenges.
There are many short attractive guys. Unfortunately, platform shoes went out in the 70’s and there is no cure for shortness. I find it ironic that there are pills for depression, “bulking” up and to lose unwanted pounds; and yet there is nothing for short-man syndrome.
It is not as if I can change the fact that I am so tall. It seems like some of these guys actually expect me to fix this problem. I can understand undergoing surgery for having a massive snout but being tall…?
I encourage all you freakishly tall girls out there to stand proud. Wear those three-inch heels. After all, really and truly, is a couple of inches going to matter? You are already towering over most of those poor boys. If you are going to stand out, you might as well be stunningly amazing in flaming hot stilettos.
And for those die-hard “I have to date a guy taller than me” girls, I suggest you move to a city with a great basketball team and practice your splits and toe touches.

Monday, September 3, 2007


Old column... once again - are you getting tired yet:

“Elijah was a man with a nature like ours and he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its fruit.”
James 5:17-18
During the Christmas vacation, I went on a road trip to what seemed the most unlikely place for a Christian conference.
If you were to draw an “X” across the United States, the state of Kansas would be dead center. So logically, Kansas City would be the perfect place to house a conference on prayer. One Thing or Nothing was hosted by the International House of Prayer whose target audience is the so called generation “x”.
I had never heard of IHOP (yes, that is what they call it) before I was invited to go up there and was surprised as to the nature of this organization. IHOP devotes itself to 24 hours a day of prayer. It has a prayer room which at any given point of the day not only has people praying but also a worship team.
While the world sleeps, there are many people praying in the IHOP prayer room.
When I first got up there, this concept seemed foreign to me. I was a great advocate of the five to seven minute prayers. Confess my sin, ask him to fix my problem and then I was good to go for the day.
How was it even possible that people devoted hours and hours of their time to prayer? What on earth did they talk about for all that time? Was there something I was missing out on?
During the One Thing conference, I learned prayer is not just about confessing your sins or telling your problems to the Most High. It is also about meditation, intercession, praise and setting aside more than five to seven minutes to actually wait in His presence and listen to Him answer.
As much as I was willing to put in, He pours out. He longs for a relationship with me. Now, I will be honest; there are days where I pray, God speaks and it feels like heaven and earth just moved. While other days it seems like I am talking to the wind.
The key to a relationship with Jesus Christ is persistence.
I am convinced that the only reason our country hasn’t seen judgment is because of the little old women in prayer closets and places like IHOP. We aren’t ready, the church isn’t ready.
I am of the firm belief that Christians can be divided into two groups—those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and those who don’t.
Most people will try to divide Christians into groups such as Baptist, Methodist, Catholics, Presbyterian, and Non-Denominational but in reality, there are only two groups.
In the end, when I stand before my God will I say to him, “ Hello, remember me… I’m Abigail, I go to that non-denominational church down the street.” No, He will know me and I will know Him because I have spent time with Him.