Sunday, July 2, 2006

The Glass Box

urrently, I feel like I am living in a glass box. I can see the destruction of the world around me, I am right in the middle of it, and yet it can't touch me. I am in boot camp. God has me in an intense season. I am learning what it means to be in the world and not of it. Any one-eyed crazy person can sit there and have the perfect relationship with God if they live in a bubble and never venture out into the real world. And any insane person can go overboard and be to worldly. I have to learn to walk the line. Right now God has me working on boundries. What is to far? When should I draw the line? He is taking me through some things that I know that I am supposed to learn a lesson from - and never return to. I am safe right now while He is instructing me. If I were to do some of the things he has me doing, later- I would no longer be in the protection of the glass box.

Hold On
Written by Shawn McDonald and Chris Stevens

Another day gone by
And again I ask myself why
I question my sanity
Why I believe what I believe
Some might think that I am crazy
For believing in something I cannot see
So won't You now
Hold on to me, hold on
Hold on to me, yeah
Please don't let me go no, no, hold on
'Cause I am prone to wonder
Prone to leave this faith I know
Hold on
And now they say that the wise man
Well, he fears the Lord
And this fear, well, it's the beginning of all wisdom
And I must be a fool
'Cause I sure don't seem to fear You
'Cause the very things that You will me to do
Well, I just don't seem to get around to
The very things that You hate
Are the very things that I always stumble into
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
Hold on
'Cause I am prone to leave this faith I know
Prone to leave this God I love
Won't You hold on
Won't You hold on to me


Does the pain ever truly go away? Will I ever be able to dig out of the pit I have so conveniently placed myself in? Will saying I'm sorry ever "just" be good enough? Must I always pay for every mistake?

This is me - not trying

So I think this is going to be my last week at MN. And what a week it will be!! No time for breathing, sleeping or thinking. On the 4th of July, I will be trying to attend 3 parades ( I say try because I am going to have to leave like a bat out of hades just to get to that last one). It is going to be a VERY long-long-long day. I am in charge of those 3 parades so it is my job to make sure NOTHING goes wrong. I will let you know how it goes; )

I really don't have much more to say other than keep me in your prayers and I can't wait to see my Texas people!!!

PS: Yes my title means something to me. No, I will not explain.

Quotes of the Day

I have never made but one prayer to God, a very short one: 'O Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.' And God granted it.

- Voltaire

Arguments are to be avoided; they are always vulgar and often convincing.

-Oscar Wilde (1854 - 1900)