Monday, April 27, 2009


The other day at work when one of my coworkers walked past me, I flashed him this big smile. His entire countenance changed and he said, "You know, normally you have a smile on your face, but there are some days where your smile is almost unearthly - Like you are in a different place."

And I am...

I love that the glory I experience can be seen on my face.

"For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you. And His glory shall be seen upon you." Isaiah 60:2

Here are some of the words I got from that place:

I have called you. Rise my beloved. I want more. Most of all, from you - I want quality time.

The Fire will come, and you will be consumed.

The Bible is full of Me calling people, begging them for a relationship. I keep begging because of the lack of response. Come My beloved. All will worship before me, eventually. I want them to chose Me now. I am still begging.

Just rest in Me. Isn't My presence enough? Don't you just want to be with me? Isn't enough? Must you only come to me with problems. We don't have to speak. I just like being with you. Spending time. Staring eye to eye.


I love words... Especially the words relating to God - imperishable, undefiled, hope, glory, peace, joy, salvation, conformed and unblemished. Right now, I feel a renewed hope in words. I don't exactly know how to explain it.

I originally went into journalism because words meant a lot to me. I was a firm believer in the fact that the right words caused change - anything could be said in a way that would make a difference. Now I see the error in my logic. Yes, words still have power and can change anything. But only if they are spoken from the Life Source.

One of my few desires is to have His words constantly flow through me whether it be a word of encouragement, praise or scripture.